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  1. K

    6-Auto Ak47 fems and 3-Auto Pakistan Ryder fems (400watt MH/HPS)

    well thanks topo i will just let them do their thing and see what happens like i said they look healthy so maybe i`m just a little impatient with it being my first indoor and my first with the auto flower i will try to post some pics
  2. K

    6-Auto Ak47 fems and 3-Auto Pakistan Ryder fems (400watt MH/HPS)

    i don`t think that i stressed them because they have grown quite healthy as far as i`m cocerned one is an astonishing 33 inches tall right now. would them being under flouresents first make the difference.they were un them for about 21 days or so.
  3. K

    6-Auto Ak47 fems and 3-Auto Pakistan Ryder fems (400watt MH/HPS)

    i see at 27 days your hairs are showing very well i`m at day 40 and the hairs are just starting to show on my ganga dwarfs is that normal or am i doing something wrong
  4. K

    White Dwarf autoflower Picture journal

    well thanks for the info guy`s i bought 30 seeds germinated 10 lost 3 ended with 7 females, but htey have been growing for about 6 weeks now and not much real budding happening,am i doing something wrong. i have them under a 360 watt hps conversion bulb now but started with floresents then an...
  5. K

    White Dwarf autoflower Picture journal

    does the color of the stem have anything to do with it . i had some start out a red color and some a green color on the stalk.
  6. K

    White Dwarf autoflower Picture journal

    i have 7 lowryders growing right and am not sure how to tell the male from females right now they have been growing for about 3 weeks now any help would be appreciated