6-Auto Ak47 fems and 3-Auto Pakistan Ryder fems (400watt MH/HPS)


Growthspurt, you're Auto's look like they are coming along well. I have yet to try the Pakistan Ryder i heard that's sum crazzy smoke. I have 10 Auto's going right now, half Ak47 and half Diesel Ryder and i have grown these for 2 cycles now and i am realli happy. I am definately going with some Snowryder and Pakistan Ryder the next time, your Pakistan Ryder looks like it's doing really well and the way you have it set up looks good because you have light coming from all angles that's good. I have heard that using MH the last 2 weeks gives you tighter and more potent bud so this time around i might try it out and see the result, i also always make sure i leave the plants in the dark for 2 days before harvesting to get resin encrusted buds. I personally think the MH thing is true because i have smoked MH and HPS bud, i know alot of old school growers who used to use nothing but MH and every time their bud realli gets me toasted plus their bud is usually really tight, not to say that HPS doesn't produce because i myself have got some amazing yields from HPS but in terms of potency i think the MH would win because i heard it makes the plant produce more THC as a result of giving of more UVB than HPS, the natural sun contains UVB so when you are growing indoors this is something which has to be supplemented. I think maybe my yield might suffer a bit but i still have well over 6 weeks left in the flowering cycle so a month of HPS should plump up the buds enough by the time i switch it back to MH for the last 2 weeks, i use my herb for smoke i am doing this cycle to save up for the summer plus by then i will have another cycle of SR and PR done and already curing, i like to cure my bud for at least 2 months before i smoke it, i think this gives the bud enough time to rid itself of chlorophyll and to aquire a taste only enjoyed by veteran smokers aka connoisseurs. I will definately be keeping up with this grow, overall a great job though.


Well-Known Member
Thats a sweet Snow Ryder.....i love the smoke of the SR it reminds me of the buzz i get from WW Bud. Amazing stone. I would love to try growing sum of that maybe in the next month.

Topo you are so right about the timing of the Auto-Flowering Strains,mine usually finish in 70days or less. People that diss Auto's know nothing about breeding and stabilization because Auto's have come along way since the olden days, now there are over 100 strains and some of which are better than any "regular" weed i smoked. I would consider myself somewhat of an auto-flowering enthusiast, i just love them.

My all time favorite is the Lowlife AK47 the first version because i just love some of the phenotypes that come out of this strain, i have had sum that come out really fruity and sum with a spicy taste, but overall just a great plant with amazing vigor and astonishing potency if you have the right conditions and nutrients. Not to mention i have gotten average yields of 80g and over per plant i am pretty happy. Another all time favorite which i have to mention is JD's Diesel Ryder, wow what an amazing plant with such an exotic taste that lingers well after the exhale, plus i get a really good celebral buzz which came in handy at alot of parties. I have got average yields of 60g from this auto and i hope to tweak it up to at least 80g.

I became a believer last year when i had a blue mystic which yielded 6 ounces from using AN Nutes, that bud is holding me till now! The only thing you said wrong is that Auto's don't have commercial potential because i myself have seen many fellow growers getting pounds and pounds of it, it all comes down to the right conditions, nutrients and lighting. Check out this pic of a commercial grow of Lowryder girls in a perpetual harvest.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Holy shit!!! Wow!! I get stoned just looking at that!! And I think you have a point; when I switched over to HPS from MH, my plants stretched a bit. If I ever do an indoor grow again, I might go with MH (600) all the way. :) And 80g's from an auto......are you serio?! WTF!!!

And I am more stoked now that you said the AK-47 was killer. Fucking A! It looks like I made the right(eous) choice :lol:



Well-Known Member
Hey man, things are looking nice. I'm gonna keep up with this because I've got a nice little 4ft^3 enclosure I usually use for vegging that I wouldn't mind putting some auto flowering strains in for shits and giggles.



Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:Man you are so right!! And I too am a Auto fan....Quick ques. what size light you and what AN nutes you used to get 80g per from da Ak47?(for now my goal is 1oz per plant dry and hopefully get it up to a steady 2oz per) And I love that pic!!! SICK! I too will be doing a pepetual harvest of diff. autos...(GOING VERTICLE with a step set-up in 3 gal bags) 16 of them in 2 circles around a 400hps...(auto ak47, LR2, auto ak47 x auto blueberry and buddah white dwarf) will also be doing a massive seed run..(one girl of each strain pollinated with auto ak47 males!!) also jus ordered sum short stuff blue hymalayan diesel, mdanzig blue ryder, and joint doctors new purple jems!!:mrgreen: my next order will be russian rocket fuel, diesel ryder and torn between snow ryder or white russian?
after that last purchase, no more buying beans!!!!! gonna breed like crazy and do some crosses ith all these................

Thats a sweet Snow Ryder.....i love the smoke of the SR it reminds me of the buzz i get from WW Bud. Amazing stone. I would love to try growing sum of that maybe in the next month.

Topo you are so right about the timing of the Auto-Flowering Strains,mine usually finish in 70days or less. People that diss Auto's know nothing about breeding and stabilization because Auto's have come along way since the olden days, now there are over 100 strains and some of which are better than any "regular" weed i smoked. I would consider myself somewhat of an auto-flowering enthusiast, i just love them.

My all time favorite is the Lowlife AK47 the first version because i just love some of the phenotypes that come out of this strain, i have had sum that come out really fruity and sum with a spicy taste, but overall just a great plant with amazing vigor and astonishing potency if you have the right conditions and nutrients. Not to mention i have gotten average yields of 80g and over per plant i am pretty happy. Another all time favorite which i have to mention is JD's Diesel Ryder, wow what an amazing plant with such an exotic taste that lingers well after the exhale, plus i get a really good celebral buzz which came in handy at alot of parties. I have got average yields of 60g from this auto and i hope to tweak it up to at least 80g.

I became a believer last year when i had a blue mystic which yielded 6 ounces from using AN Nutes, that bud is holding me till now! The only thing you said wrong is that Auto's don't have commercial potential because i myself have seen many fellow growers getting pounds and pounds of it, it all comes down to the right conditions, nutrients and lighting. Check out this pic of a commercial grow of Lowryder girls in a perpetual harvest.



Well-Known Member
I have responses to the other comments but im still at work now, just wanted to say DAMNNN!! i would love to have that setup!!! I wonder how many watts each lamp is?
400.....if I have any reading comprehension to speak of :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
400.....if I have any reading comprehension to speak of :mrgreen:

your post would leave me to presume that it mentions in his post with the picture that they are 400 watt... but when I read it again I do not see that....

so what do you mean? lol


i see at 27 days your hairs are showing very well i`m at day 40 and the hairs are just starting to show on my ganga dwarfs is that normal or am i doing something wrong


Well-Known Member
your post would leave me to presume that it mentions in his post with the picture that they are 400 watt... but when I read it again I do not see that....

so what do you mean? lol
It means I'm probably trippin' on some good Short Rider shit, and likely hallucinated that the awesome grow set-up was lit up by 400w HID's. Either that, or it's written in invisible ink, and one can only see it when totally blazed.



Well-Known Member
i see at 27 days your hairs are showing very well i`m at day 40 and the hairs are just starting to show on my ganga dwarfs is that normal or am i doing something wrong

Personally, I highly :eyesmoke: doubt it's what you have done. Perhaps it's the genetics.

The autos flower no matter what the light cycle, and unless you deprived or stressed the plant(s) of essential nutes, it's Mother Nature sticking to her own DNA "blueprint."



Well-Known Member
Anyone think its better to run MH all the way through rather than switch to HPS for flowering, Ive heard some varying opinions, but Im confused about how mh could be better for flowering...


Well-Known Member
Anyone think its better to run MH all the way through rather than switch to HPS for flowering, Ive heard some varying opinions, but Im confused about how mh could be better for flowering...
Personally, I have no scientific evidence to prove the idea to be worthy, but I do recall that when I was vegging my babies under a 600w MH, the plants were so compact, you couldn't see the main stem on any of them.

I know the light needs for the plant changes when it flowers, but I also noticed some internode stretching just 2 days after I switched my bulb to HPS.

It seems as though the plants changed their growth pattern according to the light spectrum, as opposed to their normal flowering sequence.

But I'm probably wrong about this whole thing :lol:


i don`t think that i stressed them because they have grown quite healthy as far as i`m cocerned one is an astonishing 33 inches tall right now. would them being under flouresents first make the difference.they were un them for about 21 days or so.


Well-Known Member
Growthspurt, you're Auto's look like they are coming along well. I have yet to try the Pakistan Ryder i heard that's sum crazzy smoke. I have 10 Auto's going right now, half Ak47 and half Diesel Ryder and i have grown these for 2 cycles now and i am realli happy. I am definately going with some Snowryder and Pakistan Ryder the next time, your Pakistan Ryder looks like it's doing really well and the way you have it set up looks good because you have light coming from all angles that's good. I have heard that using MH the last 2 weeks gives you tighter and more potent bud so this time around i might try it out and see the result, i also always make sure i leave the plants in the dark for 2 days before harvesting to get resin encrusted buds. I personally think the MH thing is true because i have smoked MH and HPS bud, i know alot of old school growers who used to use nothing but MH and every time their bud realli gets me toasted plus their bud is usually really tight, not to say that HPS doesn't produce because i myself have got some amazing yields from HPS but in terms of potency i think the MH would win because i heard it makes the plant produce more THC as a result of giving of more UVB than HPS, the natural sun contains UVB so when you are growing indoors this is something which has to be supplemented. I think maybe my yield might suffer a bit but i still have well over 6 weeks left in the flowering cycle so a month of HPS should plump up the buds enough by the time i switch it back to MH for the last 2 weeks, i use my herb for smoke i am doing this cycle to save up for the summer plus by then i will have another cycle of SR and PR done and already curing, i like to cure my bud for at least 2 months before i smoke it, i think this gives the bud enough time to rid itself of chlorophyll and to aquire a taste only enjoyed by veteran smokers aka connoisseurs. I will definately be keeping up with this grow, overall a great job though.
Yea my pakistan is so large now. I wish they all were that big.

Im curious now to switch back to MH maybe for the last final weeks.

Another Idea would be to get another MH -HPS and run one of each (or a dual)


Well-Known Member
i see at 27 days your hairs are showing very well i`m at day 40 and the hairs are just starting to show on my ganga dwarfs is that normal or am i doing something wrong

Do you have pics? If visably they have been growing fine and you see progress daily then everything should be fine. I feel this Ak-47 has shown hairs WAY before any other plant ive grown including my white dwarf auto


Well-Known Member
Anyone think its better to run MH all the way through rather than switch to HPS for flowering, Ive heard some varying opinions, but Im confused about how mh could be better for flowering...

I think while growing all in MH will have certain benifits of that spectrum you would lose the important parts of the HPS. I would think that having both during the grow would assist. I have my 400 w HPS and then 3 vegetative CFLS (same as MH would be) and then 2 Flowering CFLS (what the HPS would be) so I hope to benefit from both.

In tests that ive read online it seems with just MH you get less yeild (maybe its more potent, dont know) with just HPS all the way you get more yeild (possibly more streching) then with HPS and MH you get more yeild and tighter buds (less stretching)

So in end I say use BOTH but of course only start seedlings on MH or HPS not both (to much light for little seedlings)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think Im gonna run mh for first 4weeks or so, then add in one of my hps, so they get a nice full spectrum. They'll go in 5 gal pots with soil, so I hoping to see the potential of these auto's, this will be my first auto grow. I got 10 more to try outside this here soon, Ive heard mixed results but if its decent I'll probably go for a few cycles for some filler before the main outdoor is done. Anyways sorry for the rambling, but for some odd reason these auto's have me somewhat excited about different possibilities. Take Care E1, Peace


:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Holy shit!!! Wow!! I get stoned just looking at that!! And I think you have a point; when I switched over to HPS from MH, my plants stretched a bit. If I ever do an indoor grow again, I might go with MH (600) all the way. :) And 80g's from an auto......are you serio?! WTF!!!

And I am more stoked now that you said the AK-47 was killer. Fucking A! It looks like I made the right(eous) choice :lol:

Ohh yeah the Auto AK47 is the bomb you just have to know how to treat her, and she will reward you with a hit that will knock yo ass cold...lol.

I am sure HPS makes plants stretch and the makes the buds plumpy, MH tends to keep plants short, and bushy, i also know for a fact MH bud is alot more potent and packs on amazing density. If you want yield go for HPS if you want killer bud go MH, if you want both traits then use both lamps

80g dry is just the beginning man i know people getting 100g and over per plant, that is the level i am trying to hit but i think i will have to get a 1000w for that, I am looking at the Ushio 1000W Dual-Core Bulb with HPS/MH mix into one, one of my buddy's is using it with amazing results (103g average) so i am going to give it a go, plus we both use the same nutes so i am convinced it's just the light that makes the difference.

More info on the Ushio 1000W Dual Core Enhanced Spectrum HPS/MH that i want to upgrade to

  • Ultimate full spectrum grow lamp
  • Super HPS and Super MH burner cores in a single body construction
  • Covers entire photosynthesis spectrum
  • Achieve maximum vegetative growth and maximum flower yield!
Now, it is possible for convenient and energy saving single lamp operation throughout your plant’s growth cycle. High output MH and high output HPS burner cores enclosed in a single lamp body to achieve an enhanced full photosynthesis spectrum from a SINGLE LIGHT SOURCE!


Yea my pakistan is so large now. I wish they all were that big.

Im curious now to switch back to MH maybe for the last final weeks.

Another Idea would be to get another MH -HPS and run one of each (or a dual)

I like the idea of the dual setup of both HPS and MH, and i think you should go for it, add a MH in there with the HPS and i am pretty sure you will giving your plants the full spectrum, it's like giving your plants natural sunlight or the next best thing at least because we all know natural sunlight is the best. I myself am i planning to upgrade to an Ushio 1000W Dual Core because my buddy is telling me great things about it so that's the way to go.


I have responses to the other comments but im still at work now, just wanted to say DAMNNN!! i would love to have that setup!!! I wonder how many watts each lamp is?
Each lamp is 600W from the last time i checked. They are using the Osram Plantastar, in my opinion the best HPS to use on e-ballasts not just because it's really reliable but because it's one of the the only bulbs which has the high rated PPF/D and it's ASP range is weighted well.