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  1. sjd0103

    Weird high - fresh off plant

    Thank you for that! Makes sense! Never thought I'd complain about my high :).
  2. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    Nope, not busted. She just wasn't progressing at all and I got very discouraged.. Once I started w/the FF solubles, her trichs totally overcame her small flowers. $hit of it is, the flowers didn't grow fast AT ALL! I cut the main top and it's cured/smokable...almost enough to get me by until...
  3. sjd0103

    Weird high - fresh off plant

    I think my issue was all about curing. Last night I finally hit the bud that's been curing in a mason jar and it was spectacular! The rest of the plant comes down this week...Hoping it's as good!
  4. sjd0103

    what should i do?

    In my experience, you can snip above the new flowers and they will still flourish - especially w/more light. I jut did this a week ago and now those lower flowers are popping! (lowryder, auto - fem)
  5. sjd0103

    Do you think there done? 12.2 mp cam close up shot...

    Mind if I ask what strain these pretty girls are?
  6. sjd0103

    Weird high - fresh off plant

    Cool - are you saying that when it happened to you, you waited for it to mature (tric color?) and it did give you a real heavy stone?
  7. sjd0103

    Weird high - fresh off plant

    My best description is that the high is way too much in my head. All I can do is think and get anxious about my life. I've never experienced this before and it sux. It's from a single plant personal grow lowryder dwarf auto fem. She's got a TON of long white trichomes - completely gooey...
  8. sjd0103

    Geek growers?

    Fellow geek! I'm a computer guy too and never thought about a USB thermometer/hygrometer ... I love it! Going shopping - any good links?
  9. sjd0103

    Michiganman's First Grow - My Journal

    Awesome grow! I have a tent similar to yours and am debating moving away from CFL's. Heat is my concern. You mentioned a strong fan...Did you only vent out of the tent or did you also have an intake? While I'm pickin yer brain, my FF nutes will arrive soon (tri pak also), what strength did...
  10. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    Any ideas why that top flower never has pistils? I thought it was due to the proximity of the CFL, but since it's been about 6" away for over a week, it still just has this little flower (green w/no pistils). Just curious...
  11. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    I really should add - since this would have been a big help to me w/my first grow...Germinate in damp paper towels at about 80 degrees F until the seed breaks. Then put in rockwool (doesn't matter if the sprout is up, down, or sideways at this point), smudge some rockwool over the hole and pour...
  12. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    I've not posted because I really thought last weekend I'd be doing a sympathy harvest! I scoured the forums to find a remedy to dry, brittle, yellow, spotty leaves. Also her pistils were totally brown and shriveled up. I gave one last ditch effort to revive her by removing her from the...
  13. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    I have a cheapo digital therm/hygro coming from amazon next week, so no idea what the readings are. Such a learning experience! I was so naive thinking I could be satisfied w/just a seed, some dirt, and a CFL. Once things start rolling you really want everything to be just right! Nice! I...
  14. sjd0103

    Yellow Leaves (top, bottom, and middle) With Brown Spots and Wilting

    Wild. I just logged in to try & find the solution to the exact same problem. Also growing in FF OF and using FF nutes - just BB so far. Auto dwarf at about 4 weeks...she's in flower, don't know how long as it's my first grow and I'm not keeping track as I should (now I know). In two days...
  15. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    Beautiful Pistils!!! Goal this week = figure out how to put pix inline here...The detail of the close-up is just lost w/the popup.
  16. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    I see! Thank you! Now to determine if it's heat or not. I admit my ventilation sux since I started this venture as a passing thing. Now that I'm intrigued, I want to do it well! Next time will be (hopefully) much more organized! The tips turned brown and dried up going toward the plant...
  17. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    She seems to ebb & flow. One morning she looks great (dark leaves & juicy pistils) then sometimes in a few hours she's yellowing and weak. I'm wondering if it's the nutes. Still working through the first gallon of water w/.5 cup FF big bloom. Is there something better to be using for flowering...
  18. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    Well, the pistils look much better today and the flowers are really taking shape! I need to learn how to post pix directly to this thread, instead of as attachments, so you can see the detail. The pix were from today just before lights out. Looks like my next grow will be an even bigger...
  19. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    Today after 4hrs of darkness, her pistils (hairs) went from long, white, and juicy looking to dry and browning. I'm wondering what that means. Time to do some more reading! I implemented LST. A couple of pix attached. She's definitely flowering! 1st pic is old - of juicy pistils - then...
  20. sjd0103

    1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf

    .01 .3 .7 I used the recommended 1/2 cup per gallon and she's still sipping that. Will drop down to 4tbsp/gallon when this batch is done - Unless someone posts a reason why another plan is better.