1st Grow: CFL Lowryder Auto Dwarf


Active Member
Do you know the humidity and/or temp? Because if those are alright you don't need vents with cfl's. It does help to have it, But if you have the right humidity and temp then you really don't need it. I add intake and outtake if necessary. But the girl looks happy which is always nice!:leaf:


Active Member
i thought you couldnt clone auto's .... i got an auto cfl grow going right now. I got 200w monster cfl. one 2700 and one 6500. Mine just started to flower . This is also my first grow.
you should definately use a light regime of 20/4 for autoflowering strains. i just got autoflowering strain of auto ak47 germinated it already its in the soil im waiting on it to come sprouting out the top anyday now. i got some coast of maine lobster soil and some bat guano. i also bought some bud candy bloom from advanced nutrients for when its the 3rd week comes around. oh ill be using a 90watt ufo led for my lighting. ill let you know the progress. blaze something
how goes it everyone? so its been a couple of days since my post, and we have lift off the autoak47 came up its got 2starter leaves and then two other leaves coming out and looks like a couple of more trying to poke through. i tell you the truth as i type this i swear its growing fast and right infront of my eyes i went and looked at it like 3 or 4 times today and it looked different. things i did that i wonder if its going to come back to haunt me later is that i germinated the seed and planted right in a 4 or 5 liter pot no cup first. seems to be okay popped right up. Second thing i dont know if i was suppose to start the bat guano in the soil soon asi planted but i did i mixed it before i put the seed in so i dont know if thats going to effect anything. Third thing i did ive been reading where they say dont start your seedlings out with the led light could be to strong for it at first, but i happy to report the autoak47 loves it. its dark green and looking healthy. im still trying to figure this thing out so bare with me with pics ill get them up im using a ps3 for my net so i cant do everything like i want to. i will keep you posted on how things are going. hey cfl you have any pics of the buds and how much did you get dried bud? blaze something im bout to vape some skunk get at me


Do you know the humidity and/or temp? Because if those are alright you don't need vents with cfl's. It does help to have it, But if you have the right humidity and temp then you really don't need it. I add intake and outtake if necessary. But the girl looks happy which is always nice!:leaf:
I have a cheapo digital therm/hygro coming from amazon next week, so no idea what the readings are. Such a learning experience! I was so naive thinking I could be satisfied w/just a seed, some dirt, and a CFL. Once things start rolling you really want everything to be just right!
I just finished a lowryder 2 grow man. Yours is looking good man! It is some great smoke, not sure about lowryder though.
Nice! I can't wait to read your journal!!! First thing on my todo list after the big home/garden show today!


I've not posted because I really thought last weekend I'd be doing a sympathy harvest! I scoured the forums to find a remedy to dry, brittle, yellow, spotty leaves. Also her pistils were totally brown and shriveled up.

I gave one last ditch effort to revive her by removing her from the little box she was in, flushed and transplanted into a larger pot, and moved her back into a constant temperature controlled room (up from the basement which gets down to 60 at night). The first 2 pix are from last weekend. Oh, also her growth seems completely stunted. I have the full range of Fox Farm nutes coming in next week and I plan to ease her into their recommended feeding schedule. It's odd as she's taking a long time to dry between waterings. Last water was last week and I'm just now feeling the pot get lighter in weight.

My tent arrived and I've got it setup in two sections. She's on one side w/the giant 2700k CFL. I'm going to start a new journal w/6 white widow and 2 blueberry kush. They've all germ'd and are doing well in that cheap a$$ hydro kit I got for $25 on ebay! I MIGHT grab a 200W MH today. Really torn because I love the self contained tent that doesn't need ventilation! Tought call...stick w/CFL's or not? Is there really a big difference?

I've got some heliconias germinating (completely off topic) since I have to justify all this time/effort to my spousal unit. She knows what I'm up to and would be happier if there was something in it for her too kiss-ass.

The last 3 pix are from today. Her pistils are white & plump again and most of her leaves are green & perking up, so something worked. Good thing my first grow is a weed! I looked at her trichomes under a 30x scope. They're pretty white! I expected them to be clear at this early stage in the game. My plan (before she went south) was to harvest when they were 50/50 white/amber, but if they turn amber soon, I'm not sure what I'll do!



I really should add - since this would have been a big help to me w/my first grow...Germinate in damp paper towels at about 80 degrees F until the seed breaks. Then put in rockwool (doesn't matter if the sprout is up, down, or sideways at this point), smudge some rockwool over the hole and pour room temp water over for 5 seconds (letting excess drain off). DO NOT ADD MORE WATER UNTIL THEY SHOW LEAVES! I was 1/10 in those moist plugs from the grow store and 1/10 w/the little 'just add water' dirt plugs you can get at any home improvement store. I'm 10/10 IN ROCKWOOL! They all had the same environment and the rockwool starts all came up together and seem great! Everything I do will start in rockwool from now on. I didn't go this route at first because the dude at the local hydro store recommended against it. Can't be right all the time ;).


Any ideas why that top flower never has pistils? I thought it was due to the proximity of the CFL, but since it's been about 6" away for over a week, it still just has this little flower (green w/no pistils). Just curious...


Nope, not busted. She just wasn't progressing at all and I got very discouraged.. Once I started w/the FF solubles, her trichs totally overcame her small flowers. $hit of it is, the flowers didn't grow fast AT ALL! I cut the main top and it's cured/smokable...almost enough to get me by until I harvest the rest of the plant.

There are about 10 bud sites - again, mostly small. I'm just noticing a couple ambers so I flushed and plan to cut her down later this week.

Still have no camera, so here are some crappy pix from my phone:


Never doing a soil grow again! Starting my hydro journal later this week. The difference in roots, plant health, ease of maintenance, and grow time is insane! Again, no more dirt (except for the tropicals I'm growing for Mother's day :mrgreen: