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  1. T

    Tombs grow journal

    this is what grew over night from day 17 to day 18 (today)
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    Tombs grow journal

    This is my very first indoor grow and I am excited about how it will come out. Here is a list of what i am using for my grow. pots Bag seeds organic choice soil 400w mh+hps small fan water i leave out for a day Here are some pictures of my plants now they are 17 days in this picture i started...
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    New idea? making THC blotters?

    yea i know i was high when i wrote this now that i think about it, it is a bad idea lol i hate being high sometimes.
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    New idea? making THC blotters?

    Yesterday i was high and i was thinking to myself, what would happen if you boil weed. so i asked my friends and they said it would just boil into the air and it would be gone. so that is where my idea starts and this is how i would go about doing it. first i would boil water in a sauce pan or...
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    thinking for the future of marijana

    i dont care about how much i get paid i know how to live with hardly any money if i open a dispensary i will make some money enough to live on at leaste. i want to be a caregiver and a dispensary owner at some point in my life.
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    thinking for the future of marijana

    good idea maybe i should think instead of opening a dispensary just working at one for awhile to get a feel for the plant and then move to holland and learn from the masters then move back if or when marijuana is legalized or mmj is more legal then it is at the moment.
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    thinking for the future of marijana

    thanks, thats something i should think about and do some research on. anybody got some more things i should think about?
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    thinking for the future of marijana

    hey everyone, I'm 18 years old and its time for me to decide what i want to do for my life. after experimenting with green for a long period of my life so far i have decided Mary Jane is the chick i want to mingle with my whole life. i have decided what i was to do from now untill im 25 then...
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    First grow. Bagseeds. Closet grow

    so im 6 days from seed and this is where im at, all of my seeds are sprouts now. im pretty excited about how they will turn out check it out.
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    how many plants can my closet sustain

    k thanks, nvm everyone
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    First grow. Bagseeds. Closet grow

    so far 7 of 10 seeds have germinated and 7 of 10 seeds are planted here is a pic of the 6 i planted today. you will notice the space heater on the right, that is because it is rarely above 65 in my house and its negatives outside so i just improvised and that is how it got there. there are 3...
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    how many plants can my closet sustain

    sorry man, im trying i just dont know what info you guys need. its around 65 degrees in my house the 400w mh+hps light i think will heat it up if not i can get a space heater. it is enclosed and i have no idea how to ventilate it can you help me out with that? thanks.
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    First grow. Bagseeds. Closet grow

    hey everyone, this is my first grow and I'm excited for it I'm sure i will be a lifer on this since i love plants. this is what i have... i have a 2x4x8 closet 400w MH+HPS grow light pots organic soil bag-seeds (good ones) miracle grow 8-7-6 liquid nutes this is what i don't have... carbon...
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    how many plants can my closet sustain

    You need to let us know the conditions of the room, are you growing in soil? What kind of lights? What kind of seeds? Do you have proper ventilation? Do you plan to use nutes or grow organic? Etc. Etc. Etc.... first thank you very much, second its 2 feet across 4 ft wide and 8 ft tall sorry if...
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    how many plants can my closet sustain

    hey, i have a 2x4x4 closet and i started germinating 10 good bagseeds knowing i will only get a few females but how many of the females do you think i can hold in my closet? i have plenty light for up to 10 plants but i know i cant have that many. what do you think? thanks
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    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    good argument but did you think that if we aren't buying weed from the dealers we would have more money and buy our weed from stores with tax and we would have extra money because it wouldn't be as expensive therefor we would be buying more of every day things and the economy would boom. instead...