Search results

  1. kushdiehard

    best stoner meal ever, i just found it!

    ok so im high right now, like wow... but anyway. have you ever been in my psoition: get home from work with a fat bag of dank toke 2 grams in one bowl pack (like 9 hits) :) find out your hungery find out eh only things in your stoner apartment are: a box of angle hair pasta, butter, milk, 2...
  2. kushdiehard

    blunt, bong, pipe or paper...

    i love packing my bong with like 3 grams of dank and puffing on it over and over for 30 mins strait lol. or when i have a roach, (strawberry phillies ftw) i have a home made stem to smoke the roaches, or put the roach in the carb of my bowl, i like doing more then one method at once :)
  3. kushdiehard

    best light to flower one plant?

    i have one plant, its in a 15gal home depot bucket under 1 set of 2 for foot tubes, and two 42 watt cfls, i know this is not enought to flower, i would like the cheapest light to flower that i will not be disapionted, any idea? money is tight right now its in a small closet, about 5 foot deep 6...
  4. kushdiehard

    best stoner weed realated stroy in a long time maybe ever

    ok so lets start off 1 year ago this month, me and my friend/grow partner had one of our biggest plants stolen right in front of us, we were walking down the railroad tracks to the plant (i know bad idea) we were about 300 yards away from our baby,when we see some dorky kid run out of the bushes...
  5. kushdiehard

    have a question about a plant

    ok so recently i "aquired" a plant, it is the most off looking plant i have ever seen. its strong and healthy but its just odd, it basicly starts off like any other plant, strait, but it gets to a point where it goes down and around and back up (i don't have a camera, i'll put an MS paint...
  6. kushdiehard

    why is it so hard to find a dealer?

    i never really had to find a dealer before, i know people who know dealers but you know how that is? so how do you find a dealer? what do you say? i have tried strait up asking but people they always say no. and i know %85 just don't want to. so what do you say to people to make them trust you...
  7. kushdiehard

    Think You Can Top My Last Night? Horable Pranks, Gifts from Heaven, Orange Juice!

    the family next door has two boys, one is like 8 or 9 and the other is 11 or 12, and one yesterday some older kid, prolly 13 or 14 was trying to ghost ride his bike, just to be a jerk, and he push it right into the younger kid, so he knocked him off the bike and kicked him in the side, he was...
  8. kushdiehard

    question about CFLs

    ok i have 3 42 watt cfls and 2 23 watts (i think thats right, i could be 22) anyways i am going to grow most of them out side but in my area i can only do about 3 out side because i want to space them out. so i have an extra 1 that i want to put in my closet, i was wondering if i could use the...
  9. kushdiehard

    I Can't Find Any Buds in My Area! What is the Best Way to Find a Connect?

    im sorry what? my shield? and what am i being fired from? where can i get the shit you smoked? lol
  10. kushdiehard

    I Can't Find Any Buds in My Area! What is the Best Way to Find a Connect?

    hey guys i live in irondiqute NY, and it seems like no one smokes at all around here anymore, i ask mad people at the gas station and i always get no as an answer. i don't know what to do, i don't really want to grow i jsut like to blaze, what do you guys do to find a new connect, all mine ether...
  11. kushdiehard

    how meny 26 cfl to flower?

    hi i have two small plants under a week old, growing under 2 42 watt cfls each, when they get a little bigger i plan to add more lights (duh) i just saw on ebay i can get 25, 26 watt cfls for $33.99 plus 5 shipping, seems like a good price, but im not sure if they will do the trick. i also...
  12. kushdiehard

    Can we stop with this "medical" marijuana crap?

    ok, i have been doing alot of research lately into medical marijuana and legalization, and the more i read, the less i understand this stupid outlaw. is the government just keeping marijuana illegal so they don't have to admit there wrong? i live in new york state, and we'll most likly have MMJ...
  13. kushdiehard

    some newbie questions

    ok so i have been trying to grow for a while but evertime it gets ruined. so i just picked up a 250 watt hps light for $40 off craigslist its like sun systems or somthing like that, i also have 4x 42 watt CFLs and 2x 23 watt CFLs for side lights. will this be good to flower 1 chronic plant? i'll...
  14. kushdiehard

    Chronic + Master Kush Grow! 1st Grow!

    Hi this is my first grow so any advise is welcome! I started this journal on day 8 but I'll post days 1-7 anyways I am currently growing 3 plants, 2 chronic 1 kush, under 1 t32t8 fixture with 4 46 watt cfls and 2 23(?) watt cfls. For flowering I have 1 400watt hps light. I painted the walls flat...
  15. kushdiehard

    Need some advise I'm new.

    Cool I have it set up nice I bought 2 more 4 ft fixtures with the same bulbs, got them for $5 each so now I have my closet set up with 3 t8s 12x 46 watt cfls and flat white all around :) my babys are well in there way! Thanks and keep the advise comming!
  16. kushdiehard

    Need some advise I'm new.

    sweet i have plenty of that
  17. kushdiehard

    Need some advise I'm new.

    pics will be up soon of the plants!
  18. kushdiehard

    Need some advise I'm new.

    thanks for the help guys keep it comming! i was just givin a 4ft fixture by a friend it has two t32t8 bulbs. would that help or not really? but i love chronic for my first grow it seems to bush out very nice under 4, 46watt cfls each. also both my master kush plants just sprouted so, yay! btw...
  19. kushdiehard

    Need some advise I'm new.

    Hey guys I'm new to this site and to growing so forgive my noobynes. Any way I am about to grow 2-3 plants under a 400w hps light in a 3ft by 5ft closet. I already have the plants started under 46 watt cfls at 24hrs ( there like 4 days old). So here's my questions: when should I start 18/6 under...