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  1. mother mary jane

    hey are you still on this and working? I am going out of business, and have a very advanced...

    hey are you still on this and working? I am going out of business, and have a very advanced system that we have been working on for 5 years, and it is for sale. It is all together pump motors, pipe, sprinkler heads, ect. I will check my page in a few days.
  2. mother mary jane

    To anyone wondering how it going. All is well and will finish in 2 wks. Getting greif about...

    To anyone wondering how it going. All is well and will finish in 2 wks. Getting greif about sharing my info so freely so may not be on under this name for long.
  3. mother mary jane

    I think if I were you that I would make the album pic your avatar. That will stand out alot more...

    I think if I were you that I would make the album pic your avatar. That will stand out alot more that the ? you have now. You can do that in the (my rollitup) at the top of the page.
  4. mother mary jane

    Oh wait just looked at your pics again, is this a flood and drain system ?

    Oh wait just looked at your pics again, is this a flood and drain system ?
  5. mother mary jane

    Well how are you getting spray to the root of the plant? Do you have poly tube on the inside...

    Well how are you getting spray to the root of the plant? Do you have poly tube on the inside with jets? Most of your wellness centers have tables with local info sitting on them. Maybe you should print out some flyers and drop them off all over town and Westword also may not be to high priced...
  6. mother mary jane

    1st Grow ever!!! (Master Kush and Blue Mystic)

    They look great. I have a pic of blue mystic on my profile with a mt dew can sitting on the plant. Smells and taste great. One of my favorites, grown right. Makes beautiful buds but they are airey and the white flys love them when they bloom. The white flys will make the buds mold on the plant...
  7. mother mary jane

    Yesterday added Azamax again. My 2nd spray in 5 days, on a low mix of 1/2 tsp per gallon...

    Yesterday added Azamax again. My 2nd spray in 5 days, on a low mix of 1/2 tsp per gallon. Spraying the rocks till wet and lightly spray foilage. No burn on plants either time. Once sprayed in the middle of their day and second spray after dark. Everything looks great and no sign of bugs anywhere.
  8. mother mary jane

    Bugs? Do you know what this is?

    This is clones but they are growing out great believe it or not.This is one of the worst. It is coming from very stressed mother. Due to all the troubles we've had. Some of these cant be replaced. Sorry for my luck. It is root aphids again and Azamax is my cure.
  9. mother mary jane

    Aphids! high quality pics included!

    I just had root aphids along with alot of other stuff look at my pics. The best and fastest results for me was Azamax. It said it takes 2 to 3 days but you will see dead within 24 hrs. Just dont use as foilage spray on flowers, just stems and med. I have posted what I know in my profile. I...
  10. mother mary jane

    nasty little aphids

    I just had this problem. I was told you can use it up until the last week before harvest. If it is root aphids then just spray stems and med.( What ever it may be) Dont use as a foilage spray at this point or you will have mold on goods. Best of luck.
  11. mother mary jane

    Good choice. You picked the best system out there.

    Good choice. You picked the best system out there.
  12. mother mary jane

    A good place for info on pest is University of California Agriculture And Natural Resources or...

    A good place for info on pest is University of California Agriculture And Natural Resources or . They have lots of good info and remember Cali has been sharing plants with the rest of the US for years, so we have a lot of their pest.
  13. mother mary jane

    Azamax seems to be doing the job. I have no new leaf eating for the last few days in one grow...

    Azamax seems to be doing the job. I have no new leaf eating for the last few days in one grow. But I learned that the aphids carry disease that you cant kill but can control with fungus. I ordered some so let you know how it goes. Hope your problems are looking better.
  14. mother mary jane

    Bugs, Bugs, Bugs

    Look at my pics, root aphids just about wiped me out before we found them. They come in all colors sizes and shapes. Some can fly and others are crawlers. They mutate to blend and reproduce, live birth every 5 days or so. What you are decribing doesn't sound like aphids. Good luck. The ag...
  15. mother mary jane

    Bugs? Do you know what this is?

    I had root aphids really bad and everything else you can think of since I've been in CO. I learned today that the aphids carry a disease that is now living in my rocks. So ordered a natural fungus that helps but I guess nothing kills it. Or does any one have a quick fix?
  16. mother mary jane

    Bugs? Do you know what this is?

    Something is eating my plants and I can't find anything. I used azamax at one grow and it killed the problem, but never found what the problem is. This is a new pic from another grow. Can some one help???
  17. mother mary jane

    PS thanks for the info on the bug sign. I'm going to look it up.

    PS thanks for the info on the bug sign. I'm going to look it up.
  18. mother mary jane

    I got my best results from azamax, or so I think. The azamax showed lots of dead with first...

    I got my best results from azamax, or so I think. The azamax showed lots of dead with first application but my parterns didnt want to stop there, so we tried a different product in every resivour and system we have. This was very expensive and cost us alot of plants. Pyretheum is the sure way to...
  19. mother mary jane

    This is a crazy request, but where did you get this bug? I want to down load it in my partenters...

    This is a crazy request, but where did you get this bug? I want to down load it in my partenters screen saver to drive him nuts. We are bug crazy right now. Thanks
  20. mother mary jane

    predatory nematodes

    hi, I tried them and now I only have a few flyers and no crawlers this round, but not sure if they fixed the problem or any of the other many mixes I have tried in the last 2 months. I have an aero system. Check out my info maybe it will help. Please keep us posted.