Bugs, Bugs, Bugs


Active Member
Recently I've been noticing a lot of bugs in my plant location. I haven't seen any white flies or spider mites but I've seen about 5 other different kinds. Here is a brief description of some of the bugs that I've seen. There are these little green and pink bugs that jump around. There is a white thorn looking bug. There is a dark brown bug that looks like a broken twig that is always on the stem and he pivots around it to avoid me, and a few spiders but I let them be. Does anyone maybe know a site that lists potentially harmful bugs or know what bugs are on my plants.


Well-Known Member
eh,unless they are seriously harming your plant just let them be, bugs are everywhere and you will quickly find that killing them will just open realestate for the next bug.
Look at my pics, root aphids just about wiped me out before we found them. They come in all colors sizes and shapes. Some can fly and others are crawlers. They mutate to blend and reproduce, live birth every 5 days or so. What you are decribing doesn't sound like aphids. Good luck. The ag centers have great info on their sites.

Recently I've been noticing a lot of bugs in my plant location. I haven't seen any white flies or spider mites but I've seen about 5 other different kinds. Here is a brief description of some of the bugs that I've seen. There are these little green and pink bugs that jump around. There is a white thorn looking bug. There is a dark brown bug that looks like a broken twig that is always on the stem and he pivots around it to avoid me, and a few spiders but I let them be. Does anyone maybe know a site that lists potentially harmful bugs or know what bugs are on my plants.