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  1. Mickey Love

    Starting An Indoor Grow Room. What All Do I Need?!

    Learn by your mistakes. You'll make plenty, we all do. Some of them very costly...Once you start growing you'll never stop. Unless you get banged up, then you'll start again when you're freedom is restored...! :)
  2. Mickey Love

    Experienced grower advice please,re-generating soil.

    What do you do to the soil? I'm an indoor grower so I can't hump it all outside and back in again..(too many nosey neighbours..)
  3. Mickey Love

    Bio bizz feeding scedule

    I would add it now, better late than never!!
  4. Mickey Love

    started my journey into hydro, help me make it safely =P

    Stated my own Hydro grown a while ago. In the end I did away with it and put the cubes in soil. They picked up and are now great plants in flower. I think I didn't really know what I was doing. Will revise better next time. All the stems were weedy and thin and the plants looked ill. Think I had...
  5. Mickey Love

    Regenerating Compost

    Hello - Have a loft grow in progress. Not looking forward to getting all the used compost down. Is there a way to regenerate it by re-adding all the lost nutrients during the grow? Thanks
  6. Mickey Love

    Bubble Water

    Ok thanks for your help....
  7. Mickey Love

    Bubble Water

    Hello- Just watching a DVD and it mentioned spraying the above for increasing CO2. Is this standard mneral water with gas? cheers
  8. Mickey Love

    Worried Abour Helicopters.

    Well here I am in covered in fibre glass dust. Its totally encased in the stuff. Plus a couple of layers of reflective material on the inside and the hard board. I feel I'm getting a little obsessed now because I'm looking at the felt on the roof and thinking of putting a layer of something over...
  9. Mickey Love

    Worried Abour Helicopters.

    I can see this turning into a bit of a hobby, seems very interesting pass time :) I'm going to make the loft the most heat retentive in the history of the planet! Hopefully I won't get busted. Erm ,if I do what sort of time would I get for 300 plants...
  10. Mickey Love

    Worried Abour Helicopters.

    Thanks again. Maybe time for a rethink. The section is lined with hardboard in a triangle shape. I've nailed it to the trusses. On the other side, the voids, I've lined the hardboard with fibre glass, on the inside we have the usual wall linings. I note that its best to grow alone, but my...
  11. Mickey Love

    Worried Abour Helicopters.

    Okguys thanks. There's always helicopters around here, its a bit rough!! Think it will be okay because I've made a seperate compartment as I said. Does anyone know of someone being busted like this?
  12. Mickey Love

    Worried Abour Helicopters.

    It may be a bit of an unneaded accessory but what the hell, its only money, I'm thinking of getting a air cooler in the void part of the loft where the air is outputted. I'm using 3 x 600 + 1 x 250.
  13. Mickey Love

    Worried Abour Helicopters.

    Hello- Just starting out as a gardener. Got the gear, the info and the advise on growing. Only thing that worries me is detection by Helicopters. How good are they (in England?) Basically, we've boarded a section of the loft out, seperating it from two voids on either side. We plan to...