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  1. B

    Question about mixing shrooms???

    ok i have two different species/strains of shrooms, Blue Ringers, and Gold Caps, i got an eighth of each and a buddy are frying tomorrow and i was wondering if its ok to mix them, and each eat a half eighth of each kind, so that we can be on the same trip, but he said he was a little skeptical...
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    help with a drug test, urgent!

    im in idaho. and yea theyd make me do the full 3 years. 1 year to top out probation and 2 years for all the charges. thanks for the replies, btw.
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    help with a drug test, urgent!

    yea its for probation. i got 2 warrants, 7 p.v.'s, 4 possession, and 3 paraphernalia charges, so 1 more fuck up n they throwing me back in jail, i was supposed to do the 3 years but they let me out to go to rehab...
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    help with a drug test, urgent!

    ok so i have a u/a on tuesday morning at 9am. i was in jail for 2 1/2 months (so ive been clean for a couple months) but i smoked 5 days ago on wednesday. i only took 1 hit. i am 5'9", 125lbs, and pretty inactive other than to get up and piss, shower or eat. my questions are: a) will i still be...
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    bcseedking purps

    old thread but thot id correct you.. purps is sativa dom. its 60 sativa / 40 indica...
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    What's Your Fav. Smoking Method & Why???

    "cruising in the land of make believe" i like that saying for being stoned lol props for teaching me that haha :peace:
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    What's Your Fav. Smoking Method & Why???

    thanks for all the replies guys! i decided to go with a blunt and got BAKED for around 7-8 hours or so. All in all i had a great night chilled with my boy i aint seen since forever ago, drank raspberry rum and smoked a blunt ahh what a great night!:mrgreen:
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    What's Your Fav. Smoking Method & Why???

    Ok, I have one fat nugg left that im smoking tonight, and I would like to read everyones favorite method of consumption and why, cuz I wana try something new.. Joint, bong, blunt, pipe, steamroller, bubbler, chillum, etc... so what is it guys? thanks in advance and happy tokin'! PEACE!
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    18/6 or 24/0 for seedling???

    alrighty thanks for the reply much appreciated! dont wana fuck up, as i only have 4 seeds.:mrgreen:
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    18/6 or 24/0 for seedling???

    ight thanks for the reply rx8man much appreciated!:mrgreen:
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    18/6 or 24/0 for seedling???

    ok so my seedling jst sprouted today and im wondering: is it better to leave it under 18/6 lighting or 24/0 lighting? i want it on 24/0 to make it grow faster BUT i dont wana stress the seedling from getting no rest AND iv heard 18/6 will make it more vigorous because it gets rest all help will...
  12. B

    Nub with ? s. please help ! ?

    nah bro, doubt it, me only 18 iv decided to start me plants indoor with a uv fluorescent light, then move them outside when they strengthen up a lil its only 20 watts but if i keep light close to plant it should stay short and jst grow short n bushy with a thick stem til i move it outside maybe...
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    Nub with ? s. please help ! ?

    thank you very much sir!:mrgreen:
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    Nub with ? s. please help ! ?

    ALSO: im not questioning u, jw, r u sure that diff light strengths will stress it? cuz when the sun goes down, it gets less energy so im jw if ur sure using a light at night will stress it or not? thanks, again haha
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    Nub with ? s. please help ! ?

    ok. thanks for the reply buddy haha. another question i jst thot of: would starting it out under a uv then moving it outdoors after its about a month old, will that fuck with it or will it be fine? thanks!
  16. B

    The strongest most potent strain

    yes. u will reach a certain platuea and not get any higher you will also in a way get less head high and more body high cuz cbd's are what cause u to be so lethargic (lazy) afterwards thats y sativas dont make u so lethargic, lower level of cbd's than indicas
  17. B

    Nub with ? s. please help ! ?

    Ok, I'm a noob (kinda) and I need to know a couple things; 1.) will leaving my plant outside during the day and then bringing it inside during night and putting it under a weak uv light be a problem? Like will it stress/confuse my plant into possibly being a male? and 2.) sh*t haha me forgets...
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    The strongest most potent strain

    use a torch lighter the extra heat destroys the cbd's i kno its true cuz i used one and noticed i got higher than with a bic so then i researched it and it was true and i researched it after i did it so i kno it wasnt a placebo effect