Nub with ? s. please help ! ?


Active Member
Ok, I'm a noob (kinda) and I need to know a couple things;
1.) will leaving my plant outside during the day and then bringing it inside during night and putting it under a weak uv light be a problem?
Like will it stress/confuse my plant into possibly being a male?
2.) sh*t haha me forgets the second questions so il get back at yall peeps bout the other question when i remember it.
thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
no just be sure they are at complet darkness in ur house or wher ever u put them ,So the plant doesint get differant energy that might stress it


Active Member
no just be sure they are at complet darkness in ur house or wher ever u put them ,So the plant doesint get differant energy that might stress it
ok. thanks for the reply buddy haha. another question i jst thot of:
would starting it out under a uv then moving it outdoors after its about a month old, will that fuck with it or will it be fine?


Active Member
no just be sure they are at complet darkness in ur house or wher ever u put them ,So the plant doesint get differant energy that might stress it
im not questioning u, jw, r u sure that diff light strengths will stress it? cuz when the sun goes down, it gets less energy so im jw if ur sure using a light at night will stress it or not?
thanks, again haha


Well-Known Member
Many people grow them indoor for a month and throw em in the woods to flower , and the sun produces 10,000 lumens sf so if it lowers to 4,000 lumens till its completly dark it will get plenty light .


Active Member
nah bro, doubt it, me only 18
iv decided to start me plants indoor with a uv fluorescent light, then move them outside when they strengthen up a lil
its only 20 watts but if i keep light close to plant it should stay short and jst grow short n bushy with a thick stem til i move it outside
maybe not a thick stem but il use a fan to knock it around a LITTLE to strengthen it up
thanks for all the help g4t187