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  1. growinthedesert

    jesus I've been away for a while.

    jesus I've been away for a while.
  2. growinthedesert

    Show me what happened....

    ...... did you forget to post a pic?
  3. growinthedesert

    will doing this ruin my trichomes?

    yeah that sucks. well like everyone in that thread said lower the humidity and maybe wipe them off with two soft sponges that have H2o2 and water on them then get it dry as fuck in there and hope for the best? maybe? I dunno I've never had to deal with mildew before really I've always had to...
  4. growinthedesert

    No runoff each time i water???

    I would just keep watering till it drips, maybe you can take a clear container the same size as the containers your plants are in, fill with the same mix then water it till you see the whole thing is moist or wet(thats what she said) then remember how much water it took and viola you know how...
  5. growinthedesert

    will doing this ruin my trichomes?

    I want to say it won't matter, but I'm not gonna give you any money back guarantee. it could be worth a try on some smaller guys and see, my only concern is if you dont rinse it well enough and theres still some hydrogen peroxide on them, I have no idea what it could do to the bud if left on or...
  6. growinthedesert

    Harvest Question....thoughts please!

    I'd personally take it now, but it's my preference to have it be a more heady as I like high THC and low CBD but I dont know the characteristics of the plant you have there, so I'd say it depends more on you preference, nothing wrong with letting it go a little longer though if thats what you're...
  7. growinthedesert

    Picture of one of the 100 dollar grow rooms for you haters

    you only spent 100 for everything? I find that hard to believe but okay, cool. nice job dude.
  8. growinthedesert

    it's time to shop

    I like the tents from high tech garden supply, I use their mother keeper for veg and flower, it's big enough for me. and it's only 128.00 so it's economical in my opinion, they have some other tents there too, good quality in my opinion...
  9. growinthedesert

    2 weeks flower= 3 males 1 female

    I concur with everything said in this thread, don't bother trying to reveg just kill the males and grow the girls through and you should be fine. just in the future for your next grow due feminized seeds or take a clone from each plant to start and flower the clones to find out the sex of the...
  10. growinthedesert

    2 weeks flower= 3 males 1 female

    well if you're not sure about the three being male you could post some pics so we could help identify. but why didnt you make clones of all four and put them to flower so you could sex the parent plants that would still be in veg? as far as putting the female back in a veg cycle it shouldn't be...
  11. growinthedesert

    Questions about rock wool, water level in decent, and :-(

    first what kind of system are you using? DWC, aeroponics, other? when I did DWC I filled it till the watter came half an inch onto the net pot then lowered the level as the roots came down into the water. it's just as easy to germinate in rock wool as it is to do it any other way, just shove em...
  12. growinthedesert

    Club Vert(600)

    is there a toutorial on how to make a vert set up?
  13. growinthedesert

    crazytrain's stealth 150w hps dresser

    what are the other specs like dementions and how big your air scruber is. how well are you controling odor with your set up
  14. growinthedesert

    led/hps cabinet sea of green

    looks nice, but is that aluminum foil I see?
  15. growinthedesert

    trees in the trees...south florida

    are the containers gonna hold? I mean theres gonna be alot of weight in there. hope it all goes well
  16. growinthedesert

    need some advice please

    I wouldnt trust her they tend to repeat shit like that(if they cheat once they'll do it again)
  17. growinthedesert

    Favorite Munchie?

    anything thats not nailed down or rotten.
  18. growinthedesert

    silent extraction

    get to know the guy maybe smoke with him then stop being paranoid about shit or move your plants out of the closet and into the room or run ducting from the plants to a fan in the middle of the room buy furniture so the sound has to bounce around more things to make it through. things like that...
  19. growinthedesert

    GROW TENT AND Co2 in the bedroom, deadly combo?

    well I got bored after reading about 1/4 of this and just jumped to the end so to answer the last question I would say get some silver tape at home depot or lowes and seal the seams( inside or out I dont think it matters really just so you make them air tight). and then since you have a cool...
  20. growinthedesert

    Shrooms in bud grow.

    post pics, that might help us tell you whats up with your grow