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  1. E

    First Grow - any advice would be really appreciated

    Ok I have transplanted into a new soil mix.. i hope that helps.. what does everyone think of this soil mix.. 1 quarter Perlite 1 quarter Vermiculite 1 quarter Worm Castings soil 1 quarter ProMix potting mixture watered with some trace elements solution... let me know what you think...
  2. E

    First Grow - any advice would be really appreciated

    I was talking 32 degrees celcius.. which works out to be 85 degrees F where you come from... so does everyone think this is just heat? its not that hot I thought..
  3. E

    First Grow - any advice would be really appreciated

    Guys.. although everyone says they look good.. Im not sure... they look like they are dying. Would you mind having one last look to see any advice.. here are the latest pics.. Help4.JPG Help5.JPG Help6.JPG Help7.JPG Help8.JPG Help9.JPG please.. any expreienced grower out there able to suggest...
  4. E

    First Grow - any advice would be really appreciated

    It would be great if anyone can help me out before my girls all die... Anyone?
  5. E

    First Grow - any advice would be really appreciated

    Hello community. This is my first attempt at a grow and I'm having a few issues. I have researched and im completely lost as to what problem exactly my plants are having. here is the run down.. Age - 4 Weeks Soil - Seedling mix <- Click for details Light - 400w HPS (night) outside in sun...