First Grow - any advice would be really appreciated

Hello community.

This is my first attempt at a grow and I'm having a few issues. I have researched and im completely lost as to what problem exactly my plants are having. here is the run down..

Age - 4 Weeks
Soil - Seedling mix <- Click for details
Light - 400w HPS (night) outside in sun (day)
Temp - between 25-32 degrees (77-89f)
Water - Every 2-3 days when dry
Fert.. Just yesterday mixed some Organic Fert pellets into my watering of the plants in an attempt to revive them a lil.. no real change yet. Fert contains Blood and bone + Fish Meal + Seaweed Extract + Poultry Manure + 5% Zeolite



So yeah.. I have had a good read on google and these forums before posting but still cant work it out.. if anyone could spare a sec for some advise.. that would be swell.



Active Member
looks fine the bottom leaves will turn brown and die off once your plant starts getting its true sets of leaves everything looks fine. Only thing i see is a little curling of the leaves which is from heat. But nothing to worry about it doesnt look that bad i would let it be and not stress it. If the other leaves start to get brown spots and curl then its to much heat. The main way new growers kill there plants is by trying to do to much.


Well-Known Member
Guys.. although everyone says they look good.. Im not sure... they look like they are dying. Would you mind having one last look to see any advice.. here are the latest pics..


please.. any expreienced grower out there able to suggest any advice?
I see the pics but your temp is wayyy to cold 32 degrees? Keep them under that 400 hps 18 hours on 6 hours off. Also ph some water and flush out your soil the next time they suck up
I was talking 32 degrees celcius.. which works out to be 85 degrees F where you come from... so does everyone think this is just heat? its not that hot I thought..


Well-Known Member
I really can't tell you what the specific problem is, but if they were my plants I would suspect pH or over-feeding. I would fill a bucket with pH adjusted water, remove plants from pots, and wash the rootball. Then re-pot in new soil, making sure to always check the pH of the H2O when you water. DO NOT overfeed- overfeeding poisons the plants, they get sick and die. Over the winter I bought some soil from a local garden center, their name on it. I transplanted into it and my plants turned yellow and started dropping leaves. I still don't know what was in it, but I washed the roots and repotted in diff soil. All but the oldest recovered, and are now at week 7 of 12/12 and looking great.
Ok I have transplanted into a new soil mix.. i hope that helps.. what does everyone think of this soil mix..

1 quarter Perlite
1 quarter Vermiculite
1 quarter Worm Castings soil
1 quarter ProMix potting mixture

watered with some trace elements solution...

let me know what you think... anyone.. i'll report back and update.


if i were to say what it COULD be besides overfeeding, i would have to say under-watering. you say 2-3 days they go without water? Marijuana plants are very absorbent and like other plants they rely on water to live. without it it cant produce the nutrients its needs to feed the plant. that may be why your bottom leaves are turning color before the other. The bottom leaves hold the most nutrients and if the rest of the plant doesnt have enough they begin to share what is left. So if changing the soil doesnt work try watering a little more. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
if you ask me i would say not to feed them for a while the dirt has all she needs for weeks if not months..