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  1. D

    Nutes After Flushing

    bump x x x x
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    Nutes After Flushing

    hmmm I found a post somewhere that showed tiny yellow and rust colored spots and it was labeled as over nuting but I may be wrong. I have attached pics although they may be a bit blurry cause m,y camera sux. The yellow/rust colored dots seem to be mostly on the top leaves of the plants that...
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    Nutes After Flushing

    bump x x x
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    Nutes After Flushing

    bump x x x x
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    Nutes After Flushing

    Hi ALl, I am in the fourth week of flowering and one of my girls had developed yellow spots on her new leaves. After researching it looked as if I had nute burn. Today I flushed with 9 gallons of water (plants are in soil 3 gall containers). My question is when should I start with the...
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    Nutes After Flushing

    Hi ALl, I am in the fourth week of flowering and one of my girls had developed yellow spots on her new leaves. After researching it looked as if I had nute burn. Today I flushed with 9 gallons of water (plants are in soil 3 gall containers). My question is when should I start with the...
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    Rust Spots week 4 flowering Only top leaves

    Hi All, I am having a problem with 1 out of five plants currently in the fourth week of flowering. I am growing white wiidow, in soil, using fox farm ocean forrest soil and fox farm nutes. I am growing under a 400W HPS. I have attached a picture of what the problem looks like. The pic is a...
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    Leaves Problem Week 4 Flowering

    Hi All, I am having a problem with 1 out of five plants currently in the fourth week of flowering. I am growing white wiidow, in soil, using fox farm ocean forrest soil and fox farm nutes. I am growing under a 400W HPS. I have attached a picture of what the problem looks like. The pic is...
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    Bending over main Cola During Flowering

    Hi All, I am in my third week of flowering my first white widow grow. I have one plant that is beginning to get heat stress from being too close to my 400W HPS (w/in 4 inches of light at this point). Is it better to allow the plant to continue to grow with the heat stress, or should I...
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    Leaves curling under/down

    Hi all, I am noticing that on one of my plants that the leaves are curling down on the ends. I recently transplanted into 3 gallon containers and put the plant under a 400W HPS light to start flowering. I measured the ph and it came out at aprox 5. Is this the reason? Could the light be...
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    Plants droopy at the top after transplant

    How long should I leave the light 18" away from the plants after a transplant? Should I leave it at 18" for 5-7 days or should I start to move it closer to the plants each day?
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    Plants droopy at the top after transplant

    Ok I just watered, raised the light to 18" and reset the timer to put them back on an 18/6 light schedule as they have been on. Thanks
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    Plants droopy at the top after transplant

    Hi all, I just transplanted my two plants into 3 gall containers. I switched the tents that they are in as well (they are now in flowering time under a 400 W HPS). The plants seem to have bent over at the tops... Should I water the plants after I transplant them? I have the new 400W...
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    How far to keep light from plants?

    Hi All, I am about to move my plants from the veg tent (where I have been using floros) to my flowering tent where I will be using a 400W HPS light. The 400 W HPS was purchased from HTG and came with a glass shield. Has anyone had any experience with the same light system? and if so how...
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    Hi all I am currently in week four of vegging. I wanted to see when would be the proper time to start pruning the plants? Is there a correct way to prune?
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    slow growth

    no the tent is sitting on my floor. Should I rotate the plants in the tent so that they are all exposed to the different areas of light evenly?
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    slow growth

    currently have 8 plants growing in the tent (5 feminized white widow nirvana and 3 white widow from amsterdam seed co)
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    slow growth

    I have a 4.5 foot tall grow tent for veg. Lighting is 27k lumens of florescent grow lights (4 foot tubes from htg) 5.5 square feet of grow space Ocean forest soil Started using nutes in week three (grow big/big bloom at quarter strength) Have carbon filter w/ inline fan for air flow Temp...
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    slow growth

    Hi all, I am on the 34th day of my first white widow grow in soil and I am concerned that my plants are not growing tall enough. It seems like most of the posts on here state that they veg their plants for aprox 30 days at which point they are aprox 12 inches tall. My tallest plant is aprox...
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    Switching from veg to flowering

    Hi ALl, I will be switching grow tents once I go into flowering over the next few days. My question is do I make the switch during the daylight portion of the 12/12 schedule or do I switch directly into the 12 hours of no light schedule. Also I have heard that you are supposed to...