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  1. C

    Twisty Leaves?

    well then.... i thought i was in the right range.... off to the fish store tomorrow for pH adjusters... thanks Waggs! Cute cat btw.
  2. C

    Twisty Leaves?

    Just added some pics to the original post... didn't have time before. Is that what you have going on immaking? I've thought about pH.... but i'm using pearlite and the tap here runs 6.3-6.6 so that shouldn't be a problem. Anyone else have an idea???
  3. C

    dog ate some leaves.. what now? please!

    That looks pretty rough... But I feel your pain... my cat's a stoner - anytime I mess with my plants I have to fend her off. she loves eating the leaves.
  4. C

    Twisty Leaves?

    At least it's not just me. that makes me feel a little bit better. what kind of setup are you running? I also noticed the worst of these leaves a long time ago- but i just waited it to see what would happen. it's roughly 2X the size as when I originally noticed it around day 13 and it seems...
  5. C

    Twisty Leaves?

    These are the only 3 twisty leaves I found on my 4 babies. this morning I trimmed them off - luckily they were in the way to begin with. Just wondering what might cause this... Genetics? Am I doing something wrong? :peace: All answers appreciated. Thanks RIU! Oh Yeah - The Setup - Day 35...
  6. C

    rootbound in hempy bucket?

    there's no reason they couldn't. right? there is only a limited space for the roots to go. and i've seen how to on transplanting with HB's. I just started my first HB grow so I'll be checking back to see other, hopefully more experienced, HB growers advice...
  7. C

    Lowryder #2 Question

    Really? You WANT to stress your plant? Just take the extra time, do it right and clone it.
  8. C

    First Grow - LED & CFL's

    Reading ---- > interesting. Seems like the best candidate to me. Probably gonna give it a try after the move.
  9. C

    First Grow - LED & CFL's

    planning for a new setup after the move. LEDs only. most likely hydro. Any suggestions?
  10. C

    First Grow - LED & CFL's

    Problem #1 found - light not shutting off at 1AM.... resetting timer- double checking instructions.
  11. C

    First Grow - LED & CFL's

    Giving TLC - moving to a bigger house early next week, hopefully i'll have a better space for them - taking your advice as well. thanks. I'll update after the move.
  12. C

    They look like hell warmed over... or kinda cold still.

    Moved the girls to new soil( 7.0 sterilized organic no added nutes) leftover from my grandma. she just refilled all of her planters/flower beds and had a bunch left over, and she knows what she's doing from orchids to tomatoes so I feel very safe with this. #1's root system seemed lacking...
  13. C

    They look like hell warmed over... or kinda cold still.

    maybe a transplant into some nice fresh soil will do the trick tonight...?
  14. C

    They look like hell warmed over... or kinda cold still.

    The pH is why they were getting 7.0 distilled h2o to start bringing it down gradually. don't want to shock it since it was doing fine with the 8.0 soil. the soil now reads 7.3 after the watering... maybe my meter is jacked up... time to get a new one, if they don't die before i get home from...
  15. C

    They look like hell warmed over... or kinda cold still.

    Here is my weak attempt at a grow journal. My plants were going along awesomely until last night. Roughly 5 weeks into their little lives they came out of the closet looking droopy (overwatering) I watered them with 7.0 distilled two days before and I'm wondering if I unleashed some hidden...
  16. C

    First Grow - LED & CFL's

    bump.... don't know what's going on but it's getting worse. The one is getting ready to fall over bc it can't support itself and the other one's white spots are climbing up the plant. They look like hell. Any ideas?
  17. C

    First Grow - LED & CFL's

    Watered two days ago with 7.0 distilled tap water... and this is what i have today. What's going on? :o
  18. C

    First Grow - LED & CFL's

    Here are the close ups. I didn't know my camera was this good. :-D I'm assuming I can continue to call them my "girls"... ?? After the pics were taken I trimmed off a couple (2) of fan leaves from the shorter plant just to let some light in. They were so wide and heavy they were hanging down...
  19. C

    First Grow - LED & CFL's

    Thanks for the good words on my girls. The UFO seemed to help alot - I started out with just the CFLs and after the UFO came in there was no comparison in growth rates. I'm considering getting another larger one (eliminating the CFLs), to help with heat issues and the electric bill. :wall...
  20. C

    First Grow - LED & CFL's

    So directly after posting the last update i got the electric bill for the last month - it went from $64 on avg to over $200 just from running 6 CFLs and the UFO 18/6.... Yowza! I went ahead and switched them over to 12/12 to do what I can for the electric bill ... I wouldn't be worried but...