First Grow - LED & CFL's

Hello All - this is my first time grow - they're random bagseeds (wanted to make sure i had a clue before I spent anymore than I had to)

They are in a weird little closet I have ( 3ftx3ftx5ft high) that vents into the attic.

I'm using MG Moisture Control with extra pearlite mixed in . All in one nutes ... for now.

I got an LED UFO and 6- 26W 2700K CFLs. I have a small non-oscilating fan blowing on them.

my pH is a little on the high side - any suggestions? - it's almost 8.0 :?

They are currently on Day 17 - REALLY bushy , but REALLY short -> all 3 are less than 3 inches tall. not sure if it's just the genetics or me. It would be depressing if they weren't so full with secondary growth starting - #3's side shot shows it really well and that's roughly what each looks like.

This grow is simply to prove to myself that I don't kill everything I touch - and some homegrown smoke. :weed:

I can't think of anything else... any and all suggestions and/or questions are welcome. Thanks in advance for everything.


Day 30 has finally come, and finally a day off of work as well.

Unfortunately # 2 didn't make it through the move to its own pot, not sure why... the other two took off about 3 days later and #2 just continued to wilt and turn yellow. Oh well - only the strong survive right?

Pic 1 is #1 on Day 21.
Pic 2 is # 2 on Day 21.
Pics 3 - 6 are # 1 today (day 30)
Pics 7- 9 are #2 today.
Pics 10 and 11 are both girls today.

The closet says in the high 70's - low 80's when I keep the door open, but gets to 93 easily if I close it. Any quick and easy suggestions for keeping it cooler? The closet is roughtly 3x3x5 with access to the attic (which is starting to be hot now that spring is starting) and there is about a one inch gap at the bottom of the door that goes into the living room behind the TV.

I am still using an LED UFO (less than 3 inches from the short plant, right at the top of the tall one since theres no need to worry about heat) and 6 23w 2700k lights (mounted on the wall about 2 inches from the backside of each plant)and have upgraded to a bigger osc-ing fan. Now using MG organic choice all purpose food (8-0-0) full strenght and starting to introduce MG Rose food (18-24-16) maybe 1/8 strength to them so they aren't shocked when I switch them over to all rose food with flowering. 18/6 light schedule.

If anyone has any suggestions , questions or comments please let me know, I'd really like to learn from whatever mistakes I may be making.:dunce:


So directly after posting the last update i got the electric bill for the last month - it went from $64 on avg to over $200 just from running 6 CFLs and the UFO 18/6.... Yowza!

I went ahead and switched them over to 12/12 to do what I can for the electric bill ... I wouldn't be worried but this is still in the landlord's name and he's still paying for it, to make it look like he's still living here to his soontobe ex-wife. He currently thinks there is a mistake... and that's the story I'm sticking to as well. Hopefully this helps - any suggestions?

The plants have absolutely loved getting the extra sleep... they've put on a few more inches in the days since the 12/12 switch.
They already have little hairs at the nodes as well.... so they're females? or is it still to early to tell... they've had them since about day 20 or so.

Lastly - How long should I expect to flower ? Keep in mind they are bagseeds and I'm just lookin for a rough idea.

Thanks for reading! Happy growing.


Active Member
Hey everything is looking good, I've been curious about those UFO LED's they seem pretty neat. Can you get some close ups of hairs your talking about?
Hey everything is looking good, I've been curious about those UFO LED's they seem pretty neat. Can you get some close ups of hairs your talking about?

Thanks for the good words on my girls. The UFO seemed to help alot - I started out with just the CFLs and after the UFO came in there was no comparison in growth rates. I'm considering getting another larger one (eliminating the CFLs), to help with heat issues and the electric bill. :wall:

I'll snap some pics of the hairs as soon as the lights kick back on tonight.

Thanks again.

Also any ideas on keeping the soil pH down... it's staying around 7.8 (am I wrong or should it be around 6 -6.5?) according to my meter. The water is starting out at 6.5 then almost neutral after nutes get added. Any suggestions would help alot... are there any "home remedies?"
Here are the close ups. I didn't know my camera was this good. :-D I'm assuming I can continue to call them my "girls"... ??

After the pics were taken I trimmed off a couple (2) of fan leaves from the shorter plant just to let some light in. They were so wide and heavy they were hanging down with their tips in the soil. And I couldn't find anything that will consistently hold them up with the fan on so i sacrificed a little.

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks !


Watered two days ago with 7.0 distilled tap water... and this is what i have today. What's going on? :o

bump.... don't know what's going on but it's getting worse. The one is getting ready to fall over bc it can't support itself and the other one's white spots are climbing up the plant. They look like hell. Any ideas?


Active Member
Ok i'll help you take a stab at this, but I am not one hundred percent sure. Looks like your soil is moist from what the pictures show. Reach your finger in one and a half inches if it's moist they don't need water. Since your doing soil remember that water does not drain out of the bottom so you want it to dry all the way before adding more. Also from my calculations you have had them on the new light cycle for approximately one week as of 4/2. They may need more light, I've noticed a change in the quality of my plants leaves when I add more light especially mixed spectrum. Change your 6 CFL that are 27000K, try putting in 2 - daylight spectrum (65000K) and 2 - Sunshine (50000K) They are not that much more expensive and run about the same wattage, they will just give the plants more blue light that they need for growth and chlorophyll production. Wait until you want to flower to bring the 27000K back out. Try the new lights for a week at something like 18/6 and see if anything improves. I'll sub this thread and check back.
Giving TLC - moving to a bigger house early next week, hopefully i'll have a better space for them - taking your advice as well. thanks. I'll update after the move.


Active Member
Timers suck!! Mine wont go off any earlier then 10 pm so everything I do has to be based around that. I think one of the pins is defective the thing is brand new, and it's a joke. Hope you have a good move and try to recreate exactly what you were doing so they don't get too much shock and you should be fine. just remember in nature plants spend their entire lives in one place, they are genetically wired for it. Just make them feel like they're in heaven :confused:


Well-Known Member
Day 30 has finally come, and finally a day off of work as well.

Unfortunately # 2 didn't make it through the move to its own pot, not sure why... the other two took off about 3 days later and #2 just continued to wilt and turn yellow. Oh well - only the strong survive right?

Pic 1 is #1 on Day 21.
Pic 2 is # 2 on Day 21.
Pics 3 - 6 are # 1 today (day 30)
Pics 7- 9 are #2 today.
Pics 10 and 11 are both girls today.

The closet says in the high 70's - low 80's when I keep the door open, but gets to 93 easily if I close it. Any quick and easy suggestions for keeping it cooler? The closet is roughtly 3x3x5 with access to the attic (which is starting to be hot now that spring is starting) and there is about a one inch gap at the bottom of the door that goes into the living room behind the TV.

I am still using an LED UFO (less than 3 inches from the short plant, right at the top of the tall one since theres no need to worry about heat) and 6 23w 2700k lights (mounted on the wall about 2 inches from the backside of each plant)and have upgraded to a bigger osc-ing fan. Now using MG organic choice all purpose food (8-0-0) full strenght and starting to introduce MG Rose food (18-24-16) maybe 1/8 strength to them so they aren't shocked when I switch them over to all rose food with flowering. 18/6 light schedule.

If anyone has any suggestions , questions or comments please let me know, I'd really like to learn from whatever mistakes I may be making.:dunce:
I am not a soil grower of mj but I do use MG soils for my house plants because it has nutes in them. But you are also adding more nutes with the 8-0-0 at full strength and on top of that your adding a diluted mix of 18-24-16. Are you feeding them every time you water??? If so you are basically frying them with an over abundance of nutes...JMO


Active Member
Check out the "hempy" bucket option for a cheap quick hydro method. Or setting up a system may work better, just make sure you've got a place to drain. Check out this thread The Hempy Collective They tell you what you need to get started. I also found a thread on how to make a cheap auto watering setup for the hempy buckets. Good luck happy growing.