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  1. D

    Mist Burn

    Well shit if that is the case, what do i do? :/
  2. D

    Mist Burn

    I misted them, and there about 2 - 3 inches away from 150watts worth of cfl's. Its healthy and growing good again though, no other signs of stress. And I don't feed her, just water.
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    Mist Burn

    I haven't fed any, but it's miracle gro organic choice potting mix with perlite mixed in. prolly like a 3(soil) to 1(perlite) mix. It's been fine up until i sprayed them, and i did it like twice before i noticed burns. and it's only on those four leaves.
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    Mist Burn

    Oh and the first set which is burned the most, is still reacting to light and whatnot. So it's still alive. Just burnt and crispy.
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    Mist Burn

    So I'm pretty sure this is what caused it, i sprayed my plant with a spray bottle that can spray mist. Well next day when I look at my plants, they are dry and burnt. Only on 4 of the leaves. The first two sets of fans leaves. The second set isn't affected as bad as the first set. What should...
  6. D

    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    Two Weeks! Here she is two weeks from sprout, I think she's looking good. This is coming from bag seed. Today I did a lighting setup switch, I replaced the bulbs so now I have 4 x 26w 6500k and 2 x 23w 6500k cfl's. So now I am running 150w. I also went out and bought a thermometer/hygrometer...
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    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    There's no dirt directly under any of the leaves. Theres like a half inch between the closest leaf to dirt.
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    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    So far so good. About an inch tall, She's staying nice and short. So far... Day 13 btw.
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    How to hook the CFLs to a lamp?

    Eventually you'll prolly want lights on the sides and on the top. I personally use the power strip method. All you need is a power strip, light bulb socket adapters, and some y bulb splitters and your set. I got all my stuff at home depot for less then $20 bucks. And I'm running 6 lights with...
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    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    Just wanted to update you all. She is doing great, I'll post a pic here soon. *you'll have to deal with crappy blackberry quality though*
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    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    Good news, today before the lights kicked on today I replaced the fan that was in there with a better more powerful and quiet fan. Lights have been on for an hour now with the fan and the door cracked I have it at about 74 degrees. Good but temp fix until I install a real exhaust system.
  12. D

    Exhaust Fan questions.

    So here's the deal the box I am growing in is 30.3" high, 29.5" wide, and 16" deep. Right now the temps get up to about 85, with a low of about 79 when i have just a regular fan on with the door open to grow space. However, I'd like to keep that door shut for stealth reasons. So I'm thinking...
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    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    Well I'm gonna consider this post my Day 6 post. I was at work or else I would've posted earlier. I transplanted her before i left for work today so coming home was scary. I didn't know what to expect, her to be in shock, ect... But I come home and she is doing fine. Adjusting to her new and...
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    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    I'm thinking LST actually.
  15. D

    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    So here is the new space! 30.3" high 16.0" deep 29.5" width Inside is black right now, however in the next day or two I will either be painting or putting mylar up. I will also be eliminating all the light leaks seen below, along with adding two fans for ventilation.(intake/exhaust) I also...
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    What do you consider Day 1 of a grow?

    Just some random seed. I don't remember when or where or who i got it from. Though I typically don't keep seeds from bags unless its really good shit. So I'm crossing my fingers.
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    What do you consider Day 1 of a grow?

    Ok, I just didn't know if I had to keep track of a specific day or anything. I am just gonna go with when it came through the soil.
  18. D

    What do you consider Day 1 of a grow?

    For instance for a grow journal here. Would you consider Day 1 being the day you started germinating the seed, the day you planted them in soil, or the day they finally broke the surface of the soil?
  19. D

    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    There she is. Sorry the pic quality sucks, I'm having to use my phone for the pictures. My roommate is not home and she has the nice camera. We're on Day 3 and going good so far. Tomorrow I upgrade my grow space. I'm buying a storage cabinet from Home Depot and converting it into a growbox. And...
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    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    It popped through the soil today. I woke up this morning to this and was pleasantly suprised. Pics when I get home from work.