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  1. T

    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    I think the solution to your problem is also proper lighting, 46 watt soft lightbulb??? wtf
  2. T

    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    Well first of all you know you posted ur shit in someone elses thread right? ROFL. Anyways, those plants are doomed, waaay too stretched i'm assuming from insufficient lighting, if you want to grow weed get yourself at least a 250 watt metal halide ballast and lightbulb, on ebay they are really...
  3. T

    2 weeks old, 24 hour light, and showing male

    How do i collect the pollen? I'm fairly sure that this strain may be auto-flower...
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    2 weeks old, 24 hour light, and showing male

    In my opinion these seeds should not be hard to come by, and if i had a whole bunch of them i would give them away for free. In fact, i think ill keep one male and 1 female just for seeds, and flower the other 2 females. Then, i`m going to give away seeds that i don`t need here in these forums.
  5. T

    2 weeks old, 24 hour light, and showing male

    So, 3 of the plants are male, 3 are female. I think i`m going to grow them all and make myself a whole shitload of seeds because i`m sick of always looking for seeds all over the place. Does anyone know how long it will take this auto-flower strain to produce germinating seeds? They are 2 weeks...
  6. T

    2 weeks old, 24 hour light, and showing male

    There is a fan blowing on the plants and good circulation, no i haven't misted the leaves at all but i will start good idea, and I used spring water not distilled water (my mistake). Also, I have used NO fertilizer at all, but these plants are growing so fast it's amazing! I just can't believe...
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    2 weeks old, 24 hour light, and showing male

    38 views and no replies , i hope this doesnt vanish into forum heaven...
  8. T

    Hmm, cant really figure out whats wrong

    So weird, I just posted a similar thread an hour after you, one of my 2 week olds under 24 hour light is showing male flowers...I'll be sure to watch this thread as well. Get 2 birds stoned at once.
  9. T

    weird angular leaf growth... also is this N deficiency?

    lol poor guy, your plant looks hurtin, for sure flush the poor thing right away imo
  10. T

    2 weeks old, 24 hour light, and showing male

    Hi everyone, I have planted 10 seeds, out of those 6 germinated and are now almost 2 weeks old, the soil is normal potting soil, been watered with bottled water distilled, they are under a 250 metal halide light bulb and a couple of florescent tubes. I noticed today that the largest one is...
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    early flowering...

    Well guys, I flowered these 5 girls, and only got 28 grams out of all of it. WTF I may have harvested too soon on some of them but I had no choice security issues.
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    early flowering...

    no one has the answer?? lol
  13. T

    early flowering...

    Hey guys...those bag seeds were over 5 years old...could that have contributed to the small size? My brother picked em out of his weed when he was down in New Brunswick. If i cut the tops and grew those would they get big? Or are they all destined to tinyness lol
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    early flowering...

    why lol what happened?
  15. T

    early flowering...

    12 grams lol, better than none though. This is actually my second grow, and I only overwatered them once, and they were also in too small of a pot for the first 2 weeks, I did not realize how fast they grow. This next grow will be better with purchased seeds and the proper 400 watt MH.
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    early flowering...

    I`m really not sure why they`re so small...maybe the 250 watt mercury vapor is insufficent? I did overwater them a bit in the beginning which stunted their growth.
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    early flowering...

    ROFL nah, I`m gonna flower them now with 12 hours light and the the 400 watt HPS, and for my next grow i`ll buy the proper 400 watt MH bulb.:wall:
  18. T

    early flowering...

    Anyone know any good seed sites?
  19. T

    early flowering...

    I thought that most of the growth happens during the flowering stage? I think the slow growth is because the seeds were not bought from a seed distributor. They were just a few seeds given to me from random stashes . I will flower these, and prepare the room for some serious growing with some...
  20. T

    early flowering...

    Hi everyone, this is my second small grow, first grow was under insufficient flourescent lighting. Tryin again with a 250 watt mercury vapor bulb in a 400 watt MH ballast. I started out with 13 plants, they have all been under 20 hours of light and 4 hours of complete darkness. At this...