2 weeks old, 24 hour light, and showing male flowers...wtf

Hi everyone, I have planted 10 seeds, out of those 6 germinated and are now almost 2 weeks old, the soil is normal potting soil, been watered with bottled water distilled, they are under a 250 metal halide light bulb and a couple of florescent tubes. I noticed today that the largest one is showing male flowers and is not even 2 weeks old yet and have been under 24/7 light. Also, some of the plants appear deformed and the leaves are curling upwards at the sides. Please help me if you know what is going on. They are growing at an incredible rate but these small problems are worrying me. Now I tried to use the in-browser attachment tool but some of the uploads failed so I'm going to link them manually.

Here is the large plant showing male flowers, it a bit blurry but i assure you that they are a couple of male balls hanging, you can make out the shape.

Here is a pic of all the plants, notice the curling upwards of some of the leaves.

and here is all of them together



Active Member
I'm interested to see what the consensus is on your problem! As I understand it, having 24/7 light in veg gives a bigger ratio of Males to Fems, but in no way is it guaranteed to give only Males.

As for the leaves curling up, could be an Mg deficiency, could be heat stress, could be nutrient lockout. Are you misting the leaves at all? Have you added any nutes at all? And whats with the distilled water?


Well-Known Member
well if thats a male all i can tell you is cut the plant take the leaves and soaked it in a alcohol and u get urself a good muscle pain reliever, im no expert i had a few grows here and there...you forgot to mention though what strains are those and are they auto. ive read in some post that leaf curls can be due to over feeding of nutes "correct me if wrong" i think hes name is uncle bert or bob i mean the tread starter...i think hes famous or somthin...as i was checking the pictures i would say yep, those definitely are nute burns but hey dont take my word for it. you need to put less that the required amount to avoid causing shock to your plants if it would be there first time to be introduced, then gradually feed them the right amount. remember less is more


Active Member
well if thats a male all i can tell you is cut the plant take the leaves and soaked it in a alcohol and u get urself a good muscle pain reliever, im no expert i had a few grows here and there...you forgot to mention though what strains are those and are they auto. ive read in some post that leaf curls can be due to over feeding of nutes "correct me if wrong" i think hes name is uncle bert or bob i mean the tread starter...i think hes famous or somthin...as i was checking the pictures i would say yep, those definitely are nute burns but hey dont take my word for it. you need to put less that the required amount to avoid causing shock to your plants if it would be there first time to be introduced, then gradually feed them the right amount. remember less is more
The bloke you're thinking of is 'Uncle Ben' :)
There is a fan blowing on the plants and good circulation, no i haven't misted the leaves at all but i will start good idea, and I used spring water not distilled water (my mistake). Also, I have used NO fertilizer at all, but these plants are growing so fast it's amazing! I just can't believe I'm seeing male flowers on a two week old plant under 24 hour light!
So, 3 of the plants are male, 3 are female. I think i`m going to grow them all and make myself a whole shitload of seeds because i`m sick of always looking for seeds all over the place. Does anyone know how long it will take this auto-flower strain to produce germinating seeds? They are 2 weeks now under 24 hour light.
In my opinion these seeds should not be hard to come by, and if i had a whole bunch of them i would give them away for free. In fact, i think ill keep one male and 1 female just for seeds, and flower the other 2 females. Then, i`m going to give away seeds that i don`t need here in these forums.


Well-Known Member
If the male is showing that early, 2 weeks in veg...............flower that bastard and collect that pollen. that early showing trait in a non ruderalis strain in my opinion is g o l d.
If the male is showing that early, 2 weeks in veg...............flower that bastard and collect that pollen. that early showing trait in a non ruderalis strain in my opinion is g o l d.
How do i collect the pollen? I'm fairly sure that this strain may be auto-flower...
ive been wanting to know the same thing. i have 3 going right now. they are all 3 weeks old, one is about 1 and a half feet tall, the other is 1 foot, and the other is 8 inches. the plant that is 1 1/2 feet is showing me male traits so i know its auto flowering because the light schedule is 18/6 . How would i collect this pollen