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  1. F

    Bottom leaves are dead.

    i forgot to mention the leaves were a little yellow before the nutes after the nutes they got a little bit greener but made the bottom leaves worse :/
  2. F

    Bottom leaves are dead.

    jungle growth soil i cant really separate them because they are so close it would kill them if i tried to dig them up. :/
  3. F

    Bottom leaves are dead.

    I have plants outside that are really close together like 3 inches apart. They are 1 and a half months old and they are less than 1 ft tall. The bottom leaves were turning yellow/brown so I gave them nutes. The next day the bottom leaves were completely brown and falling off. should i give...
  4. F

    Plants are distgusting

    They have been growing for like 1 month outside and I only used fertalizer like 1 time so far The first time I used it the leaves tips turned brown so I stopped. Then the leaves went back to normal. Now like 2 weeks later the leaves have yellow parts and some of my leaves are ripped apart lol...
  5. F

    Regs vs Crip SEEDS

    Im trying to buy some seeds by looking at the seeds, is there a way to know if im getting shit weed or crip because he says they are good seeds but how can I know for sure (before i spend a ton of money on them)
  6. F

    Canada growing penalty?

    lol wasnt really serious about first question but where can i find like exactly how long the jail time would be for every province
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    Canada growing penalty?

    Is it legal to grow marijuana in Canada? If not then what are the penalty's? Also does it matter where the plants are grown in Canada?
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    growing in 5 gallon buckets

    what does small veg cycle mean? and how would I know if they are males before the sacs come?
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    growing in 5 gallon buckets

    i want to have like 20 plants but do not want to buy 20 buckets lol is it ok to have more than 1 plant per bucket? if so than what is the max number of seeds i can safely put in a 5 gallon bucket???
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    seeds to PO box?

    your right i just looked it up :c any other way to get anonymous mail lol?
  11. F

    seeds to PO box?

    thank you :] but what do i do lol just go to post office and ask for a box lol i dont get it then they give me like a number?
  12. F

    seeds to PO box?

    if i send seeds to the post office do they like check what im getting has any1 else tried it?
  13. F

    Profit from Legal Plants?

    thanks and whys the government so mean im just trying to grow money on trees and live peacefully lol what i do now?
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    Profit from Legal Plants?

    :p cant really buy land but if i could make the same amount of profit from planting a lot of legal plants rather than a few weed plants it would be nice
  15. F

    Profit from Legal Plants?

    anyone grow legal crops for cash flow what type of plant is worth growing and makes a decent profit weed is too risky :P
  16. F

    Penalty for growing outdoors?

    i could have an irrigation system so i would never be seen near the plants :P
  17. F

    Penalty for growing outdoors?

    how can they prove they are my plants if their just sitting outside if they saw me watering them or w/e i could just say i felt like watering someones elses plants lol? their not in my possession outside...
  18. F

    Penalty for growing outdoors?

    its still unbelievable that all these people are growing them and dont realize they may get 15 years for it :/ i prolly will never grow cuz this, i always thought it was like max 1 year
  19. F

    Penalty for growing outdoors?

    For my state is says 25 plants or more is 15 year Incarceration and 10,000$ fine. How can this be true? 15 years for growing a few plants?!
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    Penalty for growing outdoors?

    i need a definite answer from someone who has got caught or how long in jail