Penalty for growing outdoors?

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
well there is alot that comes into play first being state ur in next in line is if u can prove it was for uself and number of plants. if ur planning to sell its not a matter of if u get caught its when u will get caught i did 3 years in state but it wasnt all mj realated i fucked with cid to


Well-Known Member
Ya sorry bro I was just bein a smartass^. I dunno what it would be, just try not to get caught :) good luck


Well-Known Member
That maybe the maximum or minimum but it all depends on ur specific case, the judge, and ur background!!


New Member
yeah i that is what i was going to reference you to...

well there is alot that comes into play first being state ur in next in line is if u can prove it was for uself and number of plants. if ur planning to sell its not a matter of if u get caught its when u will get caught i did 3 years in state but it wasnt all mj realated i fucked with cid to

man dude that sucks...

you know, when united States Citizens are criminalized and thrown in jail for mere "drug" charges, those Citizens become much more of True Patriots and Citizens of this God Blessed Nation than any damned politician or drug enforcement agent will ever be!!!

this is supposed to be a true Liberation, a True Place of Freedom! but our OWN TAX PAYING CITIZENS are thrown in jail for NOTHING!!! why don't they stop wasting money and get the real criminals; you know, the rapists, murders, thieves, you know the REAL CROOKS!!!

i have so much respect for my fellow citizens who HAVE "SERVED" MY COUNTRY! because if you have been in prison for something TRULY HARMLESS then you have truly earned my deepest respect -- much like our soldiers and military (though now, the military is merely becoming a political tool).

sven deisel, that truly sucks, and i commend you for "serving" my country -- even though you, and so many more do NOT want to "serve" this way.

i mean lets just be honest... if i were ever sent to prison, i would have NOTHING to lose, and i SERIOUSLY would start pushin For Real...

so essentially when they "criminalize" our citizens, the government is MAKING THEM CRIMINALS and allowing them the opportunity to become "true" criminals...

or perhaps that is the entire point?

oh and HarryCarey i love your name...

have you ever thought if the moon, was made out of cheeese???


That maybe the maximum or minimum but it all depends on ur specific case, the judge, and ur background!!
its still unbelievable that all these people are growing them and dont realize they may get 15 years for it :/
i prolly will never grow cuz this, i always thought it was like max 1 year


Well-Known Member
Idk where ur at but in wa.. 3 people I kno have gotten caught growing

1st person 2 plants.. Probation + week in jail

2nd person my cuz, 150 plants.. 4 years in prison, he's on parole now.

3rd person, 35 plants... He got a month in jail 2 years prob


how can they prove they are my plants if their just sitting outside

if they saw me watering them or w/e i could just say i felt like watering someones elses plants lol?

their not in my possession outside...


Well-Known Member
Why would you water or be around someones illegal plants? cops aren't gonna buy that one haha.