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  1. H

    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    It's a BOY! Doh! :sad:
  2. H

    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    oh boy..... it's going to be a long summer. I have only one marijuana plant, and a jalapeno and tomato plant too. I don't want to put it in the ground. Sometimes I find it necessary to put in the house. I''ll get a bigger container for it. thank you for your help.
  3. H

    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    12 days later..... can someone tell how much longer it may take until i can harvest? thanks
  4. H

    Outdoorers a friendly comp?

    Can I enter my plant in the tallest category? :eyesmoke:
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    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    Hey there Swalabama :eyesmoke: I have yet to grow a pot plant to fruition. My last attempt I though I was close. I was really proud that I kept it a secret moving it out to the patio, and in the house, and out in the back yard. I Posted a picture up here and was patting myself on the back for...
  6. H

    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    Thank you so very much for your help. :bigjoint:
  7. H

    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    Thanks for your input. I don't know if I can find a spot to plant it in the ground, if I do find a spot i would want to keep it short i suppose. To keep it short where do I chop it at? How tall do you suppose it will get if i do not chop and keep it in this same container? Can I give it the...
  8. H

    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    Here we are 30 days later. Can anyone tell me if there is anything needed at this point? Trimming or topping, nutrients, bigger container. It is a girl, right? Thanks
  9. H

    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    This one died a few weeks after this post. Some critter stuck it's nose under it. I replanted it and it tried to survive for a few days until it got windy. I have another seed from the same bag and it's also got 3 blade leaves. It's in a pot and will be cared for appropriately.
  10. H

    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    Here is my little plant 2 weeks later. Should i give it some nutrients?
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    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    I added a photo. 1 week outside.
  12. H

    outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl

    I found a seed a few different times in bags of Juicy Fruit. I never, ever see seeds in weed i get from this guy. I am in Florida too on the east coast. I planted one seed inside and it sprouted quickly. I dug a hole outside and filled it with good dirt and transplanted my little plant outside...
  13. H

    HIGH PEOPLE ONLY:Blunt VS Bowl VS Bong !

    Blunts, I can't stand blunts. Why do I want to mix weed with tobacco? Especially some of those flavored blunts. Yummy, cherry flavored tobacco and weed, NOT!Gimme a pack of Jokers and I am fine. I want my cush to taste like cush.
  14. H

    Guess i'm sleepin in the tent till harvest...

    I like this idea best, simple and effective.. I think it will work. The bad guy is bound to step on one. Instant Karma! :o
  15. H

    Im high from mail leaves!!

    Damn, man... and I just destroyed a perfectly good mature male plant....Well at least I am not going to die in three days.
  16. H

    Is This a Healthy Plant, it is my first

    How about this one, is it healthy too??? it was born on the same day as the above failure. I took care of them both like they were from the same mother. Same water, same food, same feeding schedule, ohh.... how they used to paly together. Until I found out his sister was actually his brother and...
  17. H

    Is This a Healthy Plant, it is my first

    :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: :wall::wall::wall::wall:
  18. H

    Is This a Healthy Plant, it is my first

    My first grow, on my patio. About 12 weeks old. I think it may be Thai x Skunk, although I thought that plant died. Can someone identify this one? I thought it was one of the bag seed plants but maybe I mixed them up. :bigjoint:
  19. H

    Molasses vs. Honey

    I forgot to mention, I got 20 lbs of free honey from a bee keeper so I can make mead. And if I had even 5 dollars right now I would go buy however much beer 5 dollars would buy. I'm looking forward to better times...:wall:
  20. H

    Molasses vs. Honey

    I just heard it here, when you asked about it. So I tried it. One tablespoon in one gallon of water. My girl did not die :roll: she is flowering now and getting bigger everyday because of the intense sun the last few days. She is in a pot on my patio. Pictures tomorrow. Hoppy :blsmoke: