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  1. GreenTreeMachine420

    Time lapse of bud advancement within 35 days

    Let her go! If its only one plant just chop when u get back...unless ur in the north then I think frost is around the bend, like another 2-3 weeks. So jus watch the weather maybe check out an almanac for the frost day. Fuck, if ur an experimentalist like me and there was frost coming to your...
  2. GreenTreeMachine420

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Im not sure of the strains but are the from seed? Can't tell from you pics. I got a few in my monkey-gro that are crazy pink like yours but less dense and more on the elf side, not so big. Mine are from seed, my cultivated calls it snicklefritz..:)
  3. GreenTreeMachine420

    12/12 from seed?

    Woody: I think they're all proving your point is indirect, kinda like how crooked politicians tell you one things and draw pretty pictures & slogans, but in reality something completely different is /will happen/ing. Hopefully some supporting pics can clear this up. Most experienced growers...
  4. GreenTreeMachine420

    How much do the rich make, pay in taxes, and how much more can they pay?

    Rich folks, or those evil bastards who workedu hard to make theyre dreams come instead of waiting for the first and fifteenth of every month, pay more to each government entity than most other people simply because they spend they're more on more things that require sales tax. And if they were...
  5. GreenTreeMachine420

    Fall indoor setup: blueprint questions

    Hey all Im in planning mode for my first indoor, I want it to be seamless and profitable. And I know one of the key points in final product weight is the size of the container. So I have this idea, pretty much just a 4x4 hand-crafted wooden box/plant, filled with premium organic soil like fox...
  6. GreenTreeMachine420

    California guerilla grow 2011

    Okay so I chose fox farm ocean and forest. It has little to none fertilizer or nutrients. Anyone know of any good mix-in nuts and/or ferts?
  7. GreenTreeMachine420

    California guerilla grow 2011

    K y'all, let me clarify sorry medi530 if I was overly rude. I have a script but I live with my mom cuz I'm still young dumb and broke and she won't let me grow. I am deffinately gunna grow on my own property when I move out, or if im lucky i convince my mom to let me. Last year was the and...
  8. GreenTreeMachine420

    California guerilla grow 2011

    Medigrow really? Come on, I'm in Cali so it's almost a given that I have a script. Thanks for reminding me tho, CUZ I GOTTA GO GET IT RENEWED! If I had my on property I would be growing on it and not elsewhere, duh. That's why I'm fucking guerilla growing. And another thing I never said it was...
  9. GreenTreeMachine420

    California guerilla grow 2011

    This year I raised the stakes, so far I'm planning or have a cleared and mostly dug planting area for roughly 20-25 plants. I'm thinking of doing some more field research and finding myself another clearing I can entrench and add more to harvest. But I'm foucusing on what I have so far. I'm...
  10. GreenTreeMachine420

    Just Got Jacked While Dealing

    Daamm!! Hella crazy! Hah. Yeah I used to deal but got out of it cuz there's too many jackers and bitches who only a five sac and then don't buy when it " looks too small" Can't wait til.. I'm 21, first thing I'm gunna do is apply for a concealed carry, tuck it under my shirt and then prolly...
  11. GreenTreeMachine420

    Guerrilla grow: Seed vs. Clone; which is better?

    hardeding them off means gradually bring the lil plants outside for a few hours during their light time(best done on a sunny day when the sun is brightest and highest in the sky) by bringing them outside it exposes them to more of nature:the wind blowing them, natural sunlight, bugs and...
  12. GreenTreeMachine420

    Guerrilla grow: Seed vs. Clone; which is better?

    thanks for the input thus far, IM ENJOYING THE CHANGE IVE GOTTEN(from everyones two cents haha) lol.i got about ten seeds from a friend who found them in a big bag of club shake that he bought. for me, my gu spot is one of the best...its fenced off with almost prison grade razor wire, heavily...
  13. GreenTreeMachine420

    Guerrilla grow: Seed vs. Clone; which is better?

    If one were to grow outside, a guerilla grow in specific, which would do the fellow best in terms of: the highest yield, overall needed growing time, and have the ability to be unkept for a week or two constantly?
  14. GreenTreeMachine420

    Guerilla grow help

    Hey everyone, I'm plan this years guerilla op, I'm goin bawls put & I'm planting in a fenced-off, restricted area which will be great for security. They are going to be planted on an island in one of the bigger ponds. The thing is I cannot frequent the spot, I will at maximum be able to check...
  15. GreenTreeMachine420

    19 Fails but Local Law Succeed!

    Fucking retards. No on everything prop 19 related. Anything that government gets their hands on gets fucked up. Period.
  16. GreenTreeMachine420

    2011 Outdoor extravaganza!!!

    When you are making a trail to your grow spot make sure to leave the long bend or tree branches stapling over it to conceal the trail. Even if you think no one will see it, cover up your tracks everytime you use the trail. And switch up the trail maybe have a few trails to your spot.
  17. GreenTreeMachine420

    Strip'd and alive, but will it produce buds next year..?

    1 clone GreenCrack plant of mine, grew outside and produced some nice buds this season, although I believe I may have harvested a week or soo too soon. If I left it and watered it, til the rain comes, would it be able to prosper again next summer? Thanks:leaf:
  18. GreenTreeMachine420

    Fail math quiz forsure

    That cannabutter I made is pooootent. It buts tha pot in potent. Put some of it on a toasted bagle, 30 mins later I'm baked. It might have been sooner becuz that was the first thing I ate this morning. Haha. Yo:-P
  19. GreenTreeMachine420

    Gurilla grow, possibility of bud mold. Need help!!

    I'm going to check on them tomorrow so I'll let y'all know how they're doin and hopefully update with some pics