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  1. moser16

    Lets play the male guessing game...

    thanks for the pick-me-up.. I guess you are right, I will just be more prepared for the next grow plus I already have all the equipment :blsmoke: But even if the last one turns out to be male i am still going to grow it out, just for the knowledge and to see what happens, cant hurt anything.
  2. moser16

    Lets play the male guessing game...

    its dead......but im starting to think my other plant may be male too....and that means all this hard work was for nothing :(
  3. moser16

    Lets play the male guessing game...

    Can I afford to let it go a little longer to make sure and see what its going to do? Cuz some of the balls are opening up into flowers....the freaking plant is starting to think it may be hermi but I dont how much longer till it starts to screw the other one?
  4. moser16

    Lets play the male guessing game...

    Ok, I have two plants. The smaller plant seems to be developing theses clusters of balls or what I think are balls on the 4th and 5th nodes. Yesterday I took one off and pulled it apart and it was a mini flower, no seed or anything resembling a seed. I am still unsure and they have been...
  5. moser16

    Light Bulb Y Socket

    Thanks so much K-town
  6. moser16

    Light Bulb Y Socket

    I dont think wal mart carries them. I am just trying to find out how much they cost and do some research before purchasing a few.
  7. moser16

    Light Bulb Y Socket

    does anyone have a site that I can research and look at these y socket adapters so you can run multiple cfl bulbs in one. I have been searching and my search has turned up nothing.
  8. moser16

    Possible hermie?

    That is a female from what I can see, but in order to tell if its a hermi we must see the nodes where the "balls" would form, you just have the cola shown.
  9. moser16

    Two Plants and Two Hermies

    Ok, so I now have one (almost certain) confirmed female but the other one I am still not sure about. It has these "ball" forming at the 4th and 5th nodes but I pulled one off and peeled it apart and it was a mini flower, did not resemble a seed at all. I have attached some crappy cell phone...
  10. moser16

    First Grow, Journal

    watch the watering, although it looks like you are on some sort of hydro system. The leaves look to be a little droopy and over watered. Other than that they look really good. As far as sex goes, are you in the 12/12 cycle? Mine have been in it for 2 weeks and have yet to show fully. So it...
  11. moser16

    Really Really Quick Question

    Ok, well here they are, I was experimenting with all sorts of settings and could never really find one that worked too well. Might be the camera. By any chance can someone try and tell me if they are male or female. I have been debating but cant come up with exactly what they are. Have been...
  12. moser16

    Really Really Quick Question

    Good call with the flower setting, I switched through and found it..Ill give it a try tomorrow and show you all my results
  13. moser16

    Really Really Quick Question

    Its just an hp digital camera, nothing special I guess but was just wondering if there were some sort of settings I should have it on ect.
  14. moser16

    Really Really Quick Question

    I did a comprehensive search and didnt come up with anything. I know you guys and gals are a wealth of knowledge out there so here goes.....does anyone have a site or something that explains how to take great pics with a digital camera of their plants...I am having trouble getting the focus and...
  15. moser16

    Two Plants and Two Hermies

    Ok, so I only have two plants and they have been flowering for about 1 week. I am starting to see what I think are the development of balls on both plants, but they also both seem to have female parts and are reacting in a budding manner to the cycle. My question is that if I have two hermies...
  16. moser16

    Update 3# Need Opinions!!!

    No one has any suggestions or constructive criticism?
  17. moser16

    Update 3# Need Opinions!!!

    Here is an update, I am day 6 of flowering these two gals (well hopefully gals). I tried to get some shots of the nodes where I believe some pistils may be forming but im not sure. If any of you can tell me if they are female that would be great but if not im still gonna be waiting a few more...
  18. moser16

    First Grow, Journal

    the plants look good and healthy...I do have one question, the plants in the planter (are they clones or seeds from germination) They seem to be stretching quite a bit, so you should either move them up closer to the light or the light down closer to them. That should make them much...
  19. moser16

    Leaves Closing... Strange... ??

    you know you have to seperate those right? If you leave them like that too long the roots will be come entangled and create a problem when it comes time to replant so its best to do it at an early age. As far as them closing, it looks like everything is ok so far and yes more light will not hurt.
  20. moser16

    Update (Initiating Flowering Tomorrow)

    Its all good, I am with you, I think they need to be in veg a bit more but it just cant happen, for them to have the proper flowering time (dont want to have to cut them early and get a head ache) so they need to be started now..other than that do you see any problems or things I should change?