Leaves Closing... Strange... ??


Well-Known Member
Just yesterday my babies started acting wierd...

They were looking normal a few days ago (pics are chronological left to rt)...

Now they look like they are a flower trying to close up for the night all the leaves (only up to second set so far) are all pointing up...

It could not be due to not enough light i just added another light before it happened... Or could it... Two 23w cfls pretty close to top of leaves...

The 3rd pic is close up from the plant on the left...


Active Member
you know you have to seperate those right? If you leave them like that too long the roots will be come entangled and create a problem when it comes time to replant so its best to do it at an early age. As far as them closing, it looks like everything is ok so far and yes more light will not hurt.


Well-Known Member
They are separated...

As an after though i put a plastic shield in between them so that the roots would not meet and i could transplant them into separate pots when the time came...

From what i read in other posts it is probably to hot in there rt now... I had the lights so close because i was afraid they would stretch witch thy did but it was manageable and i anticipated it by starting them low in the pot and just keep adding soil...

I guess i should have moved the lights up long ago once they stopped gaining hight and started gaining surface area...

BTW... Now that i think about it it makes sense for them to lift up like that, under normal circumstances they would be trying to reduce the surface area from what was causing the heat (the sun)... Because leaves are really just like lil solar panels...

And they dont want to point down cuz that would be harder to revert or recover from... Pointing up to reduce heat (surface area) and then letting gravity do the work to bring them back to normal when heat spell was over...

But i am just speculating here... I'm not a plant... =]

Ugh... Another winded post... =\


Just some idiot
Keep an eye on them, it doesn't look bad. Are you giving them 24 hour light? If you aren't see if leaves look better in the dark period. It's gotta be heat...too young for salt build up and you look to be keeping the soil moist.


Well-Known Member
They look better now... I moved the lights up and turned the fan up a notch... I really like the DC Adapter i bought... It has settings for 3,6,7.5,9 & 12v... So basically i can set the fans speed by changing the volts... =]

The first set of leaves are still up but the tips have dropped... And the second set look relatively flat now... =]

Definitely heat...

Now how do i get more green in those leaves... Do i still not have enough light... I though 2 23w cfls would be plenty for such small babies... They are 1600 lumen a pice... One at 6500k and one at 5000k...

If you look at the 3rd pic (closeup) you can see that the 1st set and the tips of the 2nd set are a little on the yellow side... I would like them all to look like the center of the 2nd set of leaves...


Well-Known Member
OMG its #U*K!N9 hot in there... 80~90F... =0 Well high 80s cuz the 90 reading was directly in the light... Any how, thats with the light raised and the current condiion i though was probly not too hot... They must have been frying before...

No wonder the leaves were in the praying position... This time not praying for Magnesium but praying for cooler temps...

I am such a bad parent... Good thing i have such a forgiving strain... =]