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  1. S

    grow your plants 10x faster! or set them on fire..?

    dont forget the old magnifying lens and ant thing if yo magnify sunlight it has the intensity to scorch things
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    if you have bud in a sealed stamped envelope can cops not go into it cause its mail?

    btw i meant broken up and a bigger yellow envelope or the bubble ones and i just figured out i could edit a post sorry double post wont happen again
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    if you have bud in a sealed stamped envelope can cops not go into it cause its mail?

    you can send it just put it in a plain envelope with no return address altho people on the other end might get questioned if its found as to why someones sending chron also i wonder if theyd csi the envelope lol horacio show up at ur house... but in reality a task force kickin down your...
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    where can i buy single 400w horiz CMH bulbs?

    so each one i order is one single bulb or a whole case?
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    where can i buy single 400w horiz CMH bulbs?

    nobody? also if its the net could you let me know if they repack into another box or is it shipped as is?
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    where can i buy single 400w horiz CMH bulbs?

    anyone know? possible websites or locations to check in my area? i tried a couple electrical suppliers but no one had any any help is appreciated thx
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    How good is Ceramic Metal Halide?

    anyone know where i should be able to find one?? i need a 400w hor websites or suggestions for possible stores in my area? i called a couple electrical suppliers but nobody had them am i gonna have to buy a case?
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    CMH lights?

    thx alot really helped me bigtime im gettin a tent and 400 cmh so i was wonder as for the mistype on feet my bad really stoned i noticed afterwards but was busy so i couldnt edit on time thx again tho
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    CMH lights?

    and was wondering as it says it needs 3" of wire does anyone know what this means for the newer hps(still mag core) with the 6 ft cord to the mogul? does this mean it wont work at all or will it have decreased output or slower startup?etc.? can anyone with info and experience knowledge using...
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    CMH lights?

    ok so im thinkin bout gettin a cmh for a flower room but i was reading this quote: Folks, I just recieved a very good and insightful PM in regards to "trouble" some folks are having with these lamps. It is not the lamp (99% of the time). These lamps were designed as a retrofit for industrial...
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    earliest known flower time?

    this is the smaller of the two as well grown in a smaller pot and not quite as tall or big the two were from bagseed vegged 5 weeks under mh. gonna have to flower wit the mh but i put in some 2.7k cfls to help out with a little extra red the bigger one looks like the small one did the day...
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    earliest known flower time?

    this is the thing it is in flower on its 4th day im lookin at the top node before the new not fully developed growth and i see two little white hairs poking up im just surprised it started showing the smallest visible signs of these hairs two days into flower period so again i ask has...
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    earliest known flower time?

    well i have 2 plants goin 1 is massively branched and larger than my 2nd. my 2nd is a little smaller, was in a 2 litre, tho i have since upped it to a bigger pot after its first day flowerin question is whats the min. longest time youve had to wait for any signs of sex to show? reason im...
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    Canadain Growers Club

    quick question anyone know where to get seeds im around toronto ont and would like to avoid the net but if its the only option ill go for so i guess trustworthy sites as well??
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    Question on fimming gone wrong

    hey i have one plant just put in flower tho it vegged a good couple weeks after the fim. i musta fimmed wrong cause the main growth shoot grew back tho 3 sets of leaves were half cut now its back to normal full length nine blade leaves. not only did the main shoot keep growing but the side...
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    Question on mixin CFLs and MH - First Time Poster

    Hey everyone hows it goin Knowing the topic posting heres almost as excitin as the stripclub:bigjoint: except no naked women... oh right thats the other tab in explorer :lol: dont mind the name i just couldnt think of one and I just watched 24... Anyways first post here on this forum but...