earliest known flower time?

well i have 2 plants goin 1 is massively branched and larger than my 2nd.

my 2nd is a little smaller, was in a 2 litre, tho i have since upped it to a bigger pot after its first day flowerin

question is

whats the min. longest time youve had to wait for any signs of sex to show?

reason im asking is im in day 4 now and the big plants not really showin much but the little one is already showing female preflowers that was day 2 after transplant.(sorry no pics :sad:)

any ideas on why so fast?... not that its a bad thing, but genetics or environment?
and anyone ever had times like this with plants?


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't 100% trust that theory. Ive seen what appeared to be female and turned out to be males. The only sure fire way to know it to clone it and put the clone into your flowering room, then you'll know for sure
this is the thing it is in flower on its 4th day

im lookin at the top node before the new not fully developed growth and i see two little white hairs poking up

im just surprised it started showing the smallest visible signs of these hairs two days into flower period

so again i ask has anyone else seen this early sex identification before? could it have somethin to do with the fact i transplanted to a bigger pot day one of flower cause it was root bound?


Well-Known Member
How long did it veg for? It was probally mature or very very close, they jump into flower alot quicker if you let them veg long enough to mature, mine take 2-4 days till they start pushing out real pistils all over the nodes after flipping to 12/12, so it sounds about right to me.


Active Member
I have never heard of a plant showing sex that early. Usually 7-14 days.

I get my fucking plants to show signs of sex in less than seven days. WHAT SEEDS or (hopefully not clones) are you using that take that long to show sex.

I put my plants in DARK for 12-24 hours in between vegging and flowering. Four to seven days TOPS on showing sex. !!!!!! my healthy plant took two entire days. 48 hours to show sex. get with the program.

and there is nothing you can do now to speed it up.
just make sure the rest of their lives are nice!

happy growing



Well-Known Member
IT all depends on genetics, some strains will show pistils on their first set of leaves. If they are started under 12/12 that is
this is the smaller of the two as well grown in a smaller pot and not quite as tall or big

the two were from bagseed vegged 5 weeks under mh. gonna have to flower wit the mh but i put in some 2.7k cfls to help out with a little extra red

the bigger one looks like the small one did the day before it started to show but still no distinct visible signs. the larger one i fimmed tho and messed up so now i think ill have at least nine colas (8 side branches growing good and the main stem came back plus about 3 more sets of nodes with branches workin up to the main top) and was thinkin maybe the larger size and the fact the two are diff strains of bagseed.

just thought of this... i have been havin cooler temps so there may be a larger difference in daytime temp to night time temps wonderin if this could be helpin it along?