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  1. M

    Are my plants small for their age? Nute burn? Thanks for helping a noob out.

    well, they are in an upside down two liter soda bottle. Under the rockwool is hydroton rocks. the water/nutrient solution is pumped up from underneath via tubing. Here is a proper picture, please let me know what you think.
  2. M

    Are my plants small for their age? Nute burn? Thanks for helping a noob out.

    Thanks for the replies guys, I was looking at some other posts of plants a month old and were thinking mine are too small. The tin foil was simply thrown on there to prevent algae from growing on the wet rockwool, which it will do. Thanks so much for the help!
  3. M

    Are my plants small for their age? Nute burn? Thanks for helping a noob out.

    Hello, These plants are growing in rockwool. The tallest sprouted April 12th and the smaller two sprouted a few days afterwards. The tallest is five inches and the smallest is three inches. Although I am growing them currently under 275watt MH (400 watt dimmable ballast) and I understand this...
  4. M

    Good Day, Others have told me that you will delete someone's account if they request it. I...

    Good Day, Others have told me that you will delete someone's account if they request it. I request this for my account. Thank you much. Sorry if this is inconvenient, I will be no more trouble to you. MXNR
  5. M

    Please take a sec and help a noob out, is this nute burn?

  6. M

    Please take a sec and help a noob out, is this nute burn?

  7. M

    First Timer needs help identifying yellow spots on Skunk Seedling

    Thank you for the reply jcdws602 and great avatar. They popped about two weeks ago and I'm feeding by hand until my hydro setup is complete. Ph is unmeasured but I am using clean rainwater. Upon sprouting, I watered as needed until the first set of true leaves appeared. I then fed with 100 ppm...
  8. M

    First Timer needs help identifying yellow spots on Skunk Seedling

    Hello All, I'm an imaginary role playing character that's new to these boards. So in my imagination, a little troll is growing three (soon to be 4) little magic plants under a 400w mw: And one of the little girls (feminized) is a skunk #1 plant (sprouted April 12) with yellow spotting on...