Are my plants small for their age? Nute burn? Thanks for helping a noob out.



These plants are growing in rockwool. The tallest sprouted April 12th and the smaller two sprouted a few days afterwards. The tallest is five inches and the smallest is three inches. Although I am growing them currently under 275watt MH (400 watt dimmable ballast) and I understand this makes for compact plants, I am thinking they are a bit small and under fertilized for their age. I tried to feed them 600ppm BCGorw and BC Boost but I thought I saw nute burn and have flushed the system with mild fetilizer solution. What do you think?


Do these plants look tiny for being a month old? SHould they be getting regular fertilizer? at half strength?

Thank you much for your time,



Well-Known Member
I think you're good, Man. They look pretty good and that looks like you might've gotten a tiny bit of nute burn at the beginning of sprout, but no worries there. Good luck.


Thanks for the replies guys, I was looking at some other posts of plants a month old and were thinking mine are too small. The tin foil was simply thrown on there to prevent algae from growing on the wet rockwool, which it will do.

Thanks so much for the help!


Well-Known Member
They do look a little small for almost a month old. They were probably stunted slightly by the overnuting. Am I seeing that correct? Do you just have them in a rockwool cube nothing else? Are the roots coming out of the cube yet? You should probably move them into another media soon, hydroton, dirt etc whatever you were thinking. They just seem kind of large to be in those cubes only. Keeping that rockwool at the right moisture level has to be a pain in the ass that way as well.


well, they are in an upside down two liter soda bottle. Under the rockwool is hydroton rocks. the water/nutrient solution is pumped up from underneath via tubing. Here is a proper picture, please let me know what you think.




Well-Known Member
That's an interesting setup you have going there. It's like something MacGuyver would come up with. lol

What PPM you running now? I see some roots in your bottles there. They should be able to handle at least 400-500 PPM at this point. How's your PH? What's your temps in the room? The edges are curling up a little bit which could heat stress.

I usually do about 150-200 PPM in the seedling stage after the second set of true leaves appear. Then I gradually bump it up to about 800-900 PPM max for veg. Then slowly increase PPM during flowering to about 1300-1400 till about week 5 when I start lowering the ppm's again in preparation to flush. Not sure what strain you are growing there but some can take more some less. It's kind of a trial and error thing. From the size of those you should at least be able to pull 500PPM right now without burning em though.