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  1. B

    Heat & Humidity advice please

    My min and max range I use are 50-70% humidity during vej and try to keep it under 50% during flower.
  2. B

    Heat & Humidity advice please

    I would get a cheap timer from walmart. I put everything on timers to get control. Have your fan kick on for a few minutes every 15 minutes or whatever length of time it takes to properly regulate the temp and still keep your humidity up. You ventilation fan may be too strong too. It should...
  3. B

    humidity help??

    If there isn't any problem with your buds....don't worry about it and harvest.....
  4. B

    humidity help??

    you getting mold on your buds or something?? You flowering?? 60% is humidity is great for Veg. I try to keep my humidity under 50% while flowering.
  5. B

    Need Serious Advice, Seedling Issue.

    I would be willing to bet your problem is the distance your plants are from the light. Really common problem is not getting light close enough especially with new growers. What kind of light are you using and how far away is it???? If you are using flouresant; I try to keep the lights within...
  6. B

    Grow fridge to the full potential

    You would have a lot better grow environment using the same space a fridge would take up by using a decent grow tent. You need the extra space from something larger for your venting and fans. It is sometimes harder than you think to maintain that optimal environment you are shooting for.
  7. B

    Show off your blz-bud!!!plz "blz" only!

    I am running 6,000 watts over 2 4x8 tables. I just moved my grow room so I haven't hooked up one of the large hoods, but i will :eyesmoke: