humidity help??


Well-Known Member
hi im ready to chop and harvest, and was just wondering a question on humidity..

the closet is 70'f
the humidity comes in at 60..

got a fan blowing round in there 2
and a small heater to keep it at 70'f//

so wats the problem?
do i need a dehumidifyer to take it down to 40 45 humidity?



you getting mold on your buds or something?? You flowering?? 60% is humidity is great for Veg. I try to keep my humidity under 50% while flowering.


Well-Known Member
there chopped and on the line drying out

temp 70'f
humidity 60

how do i lower the humidity to 40,45


Well-Known Member
Getting a dehumidifyer would help for sure, but the ones that really do suck up the moisture tend to be big and expensive!


Active Member
If you don't want to shell out the big bucks for a dehumidifier, you could just work on your ventilation. I used to have high humidity problems that were causing mold and I fixed it with ventilation. Before, my can fan/filter combo was just blowing the air back into the room. The air didn't have anywhere to go, so the room stayed very humid, all the time. Recently, I drilled a six inch hole in the ceiling and ran duct work from the can fan through the hole, into the attic. Now, I never have humidity issues, as all of the humid air is vented into the attic. It also helped with heat.


Well-Known Member
nice, so getting the fan in a good position could be enuff to do without the dehumidifiyer..


Active Member
As long as you are venting your air outside the grow area. If you're just filtering the air and re-circulating, you'll still have the humidity issues.


Well-Known Member
If you can afford it, just go get the dehumidifier. Why risk the buds you put three or four months into growing?


Well-Known Member
mine took 7 months, as i set them off with slow cfl's..
yeah i can get a dehumidifyer tmoz so all sound..

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
2 fans will lower your humidity but then when your ready to veg an flower again youl need to start messing again a dehumidifier is the easiest option