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  1. Captain Caveman

    Pink and Purple Haired Punk

    Thanks. I had one at each end. Stopped my grasshopper problem lol.
  2. Captain Caveman

    Pink and Purple Haired Punk

    Right! I stayed pesticide free by using and encouraging natural predators. Grasshoppers tore me up early on so I relocated some huge orb weavers to my deck and hand fed em daily. Just their presence eliminated signs of the enemy lol.
  3. Captain Caveman

    Pink and Purple Haired Punk

    I know right? Im hoping for 1 more good frost here. Really bring out those colors. I like Kush and hope to grow her oneday. I wasnt planning a grow this year but ended up putting these out mid season to learn and learn I have.
  4. Captain Caveman

    Pink and Purple Haired Punk

    Shes a lollipopped bush lol.
  5. Captain Caveman

    Pink and Purple Haired Punk

    Ty scrog! Shes taught me alot this year.
  6. Captain Caveman

    Pink and Purple Haired Punk

    Strain-Reggie Schwagseed 6 weeks into flowering Outdoor Only one of these is showing this trait. Ive done some searches and found others using bagseed and have same traits-possibly same source? How she look?
  7. Captain Caveman

    How she looking?

    Anyways, Ive picked thru my gal thoroughly, and didnt see any other worms or damage. Here some pics proper...
  8. Captain Caveman

    How she looking?

    I dont really care about those pics. It aint me. But Im sure they wouldnt like it, lol.
  9. Captain Caveman

    How she looking?

    Bad news. Found a caterpillar in a sample I clipped. Gonna try to find some affordable BT based killer. If not, may be an early harvest... :(
  10. Captain Caveman

    How she looking?

    Since I cant use Jave, im limited to what I can do from here. PhotoBucket will be deleted within 48 hours. I dont see any options allowing me to edit my old posts...???
  11. Captain Caveman

    How she looking?

    thanks for the info, wouldve rather it had been a pm but thanks all the same.
  12. Captain Caveman

    I'm Not Digging the blue RIU

    It got me good. Hadto check my schools bulletin , then came here. I thought my PS3 was fucked cuz both sites look the same.
  13. Captain Caveman

    How she looking?

    It is about 3 weeks since those pics. Shes starting to get her bling on. Will post more pics soon.
  14. Captain Caveman

    How she looking?

    I thought I said this but, thank u JesusOfCannabis... posting pics from a PS3 is a bitch.
  15. Captain Caveman

    How she looking?

    I would say 3 feet total length, with a inch thick stalk.
  16. Captain Caveman

    How she looking?

    This was my ugliest plant. She was leggy from the start,so I bent her over, fimming right before flowering.
  17. Captain Caveman

    Mushroom Farmer Attempts Green Here is 1 of my small plants colas, about 2 weeks ago. Shwagseed fed hydro nutes after 70 days of 90ºf+ heat. Ive been watering at a rate of 2-4 gallons @ 2 gallons per trip, feeding every 3 waterings, counting any rain. I have 3 colas, after...
  18. Captain Caveman

    How she looking? Here is 1 of my small plants colas, about 2 weeks ago. Shwagseed fed hydro nutes after 70 days of 90ºf+ heat. Ive been watering at a rate of 2-4 gallons @ 2 gallons per trip, feeding every 3 waterings...