Mushroom Farmer Attempts Green

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
keep an eye out there could be a few stray spores that find there way to your grow and you could have the best of both
I think I know whats going on. After extensive reading thru the "Uncle Ben" files, lol, I did what everybody is doing, giving them nutes/water, when they really dont need it.


Active Member
yer they a little to small 4 nutes in soil, they get what they need out it without supplements for quite a while, I wait till they start going little light green then nute.

I have moved over to organic in my grow now, see what ya think? I got some fish in there! lol
Very nice! :borat:
I was vastly understudied, and didnt really understand LST obviously, lol, so I let em loose 10 days ago (the day after my previous entry). They are LOVING the guerrilla spot, but had a spider mite attack a plant. exhibita1.jpg

And my hopes were so high because I seen a baby praying locust resting on one! So I asked the hillbillies again, and they told me Sevin Dust. So, I gave it a try the day after I noticed it (9 Days ago), and it has rained heavily since the day after that. I also transplanted 2 of the 3 younger seedlings (exhibit B and C), and took them to their outdoor home.

Also, one old tinkerer took me to a spot with a shovel, and I mentally cried as he took a shovel and cut in at only an inch deep, cutting over 95% of the root systems, tossing them in a bucket, and seeing the shock apparently on my face, casually says "Just plant 'em as soon as you git home, they aight."
Seedling Bucket
I return home, and frantically pick through the dirt and seedling mix, and set aside those the least damaged, for they were ALL in bad shape.

Here they are now, a week later...

Side note: I just wanted to share how I had to adopt to nosy neighbors while transporting to my vehicle.

Hopefully I will be visiting my babies tomorrow, and shall return hopefully with happy pictures :D
Tied 2 down today, Caveman style, until I visit them next with more equipment.

WTF is this trippy bug. There is always something waiting for me. Also, what is this cumwad shit next to my plants?
Tied again yesterday. Noticed exhibit B, the smaller one, has most bud site activity, and is getting even skunkier. It has had a skunk smell since its 3rd node. Smells like heaven. The mutant is just getting bigger, but smells skunkier than hell, and is very dark green and shiny. Photo-0058.jpgPhoto-0057-1.jpg