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  1. Dystopian

    Diy Aeroponic Grower/Cloner "Cheap" Critiques Welcome my man! i built the cloner exactly like theirs and modified their flower unit with some of my own ideas and some from BC that can be pulled off the web. Take the guess work out and just do it right man, i dont know what is going on with that cloner but it seems too complicated...
  2. Dystopian

    HEAT Problems.

    how much room do you have before your plants touch the light. i dont know how many watts you have but it might get kinda hot on that canopy top. just a thought, cuz it looked kinda short.
  3. Dystopian

    Problem Yellow Leaves

    yeah brother id either add more water and adjust ph or add more nutes then adjust ph. The prob is you dont have a pic so i cant see if its nute burn which is most likely the cause and will need to be addressed by adding more water or dumping the water and starting over to lower the concentration...
  4. Dystopian

    Mylar vs Panda Film vs Flat White Paint?

    Mylar is like 99% reflective 97% at least. White is not as good.
  5. Dystopian

    got a quick question

    Be careful with the MG specially with the seedlings
  6. Dystopian

    A Theory: Using Infrared Light to Drastically Reduce Dark Time of Flowering Plants

    thanks for the link lots o info. pretty bad ass to see it done.
  7. Dystopian

    I have all LED's, but HID and LED is a hard combo to beat. Using the lighting you have would be...

    I have all LED's, but HID and LED is a hard combo to beat. Using the lighting you have would be barely citting it i would guess. However, you could use a little more light in there. I think a 400 or 600 would be best and if it was indeed too much light you could perhaps start using some co2 to...
  8. Dystopian

    Firearm posession

    Good question, i have been wondering this as well. But i kinda figured since i had the question that i was fucked heh.
  9. Dystopian

    A Theory: Using Infrared Light to Drastically Reduce Dark Time of Flowering Plants

    the '57 study was red and far red not infrared (atleast thats all i have been able to read) which doesnt even matter because my point was absolutely missed. your web posting just confirms what this guy is asking. yet, you wanna look smart over 3 years? well if being told your right makes your...
  10. Dystopian

    LED Grow Light Recommendations

    I use the same ones and agree with everything hudson wrote, especially the warning. So far i have seen good results but by no means believe them to be the best.
  11. Dystopian

    A Theory: Using Infrared Light to Drastically Reduce Dark Time of Flowering Plants

    Not exactly what i said but alright... The lightbulb as we know it was not made until appx 1910, 110 yrs after the first one(fast eh?). In the 1920's less than 10% of british homes had electricity. It wasnt until mid 1930's that FDR (fruit) said that electricity was no longer a commodity, even...
  12. Dystopian

    CFL Splitter + ???

    off the net search for like dual light socket or twin light socket, you can get em for like 2 dollars max i think i have even seen quite a few for less than a dollar so like a shilling and a copper coin to ya mate!
  13. Dystopian

    A Theory: Using Infrared Light to Drastically Reduce Dark Time of Flowering Plants

    Umm, the moon reflects light, blue light to be exact, which doesnt seem to mess the flower cycle. Also some outdoor growers "spray" their flowers with red LED light then spray them again with blue. by doing this they shorten the time from veg to flower(red) and undo the damage they might have...
  14. Dystopian

    Subcool have you ever seen a quadrifoliate????

    hey budwasher you have some fat ass pec's man. i feel gay i cant stop staring at your chest.
  15. Dystopian

    A Theory: Using Infrared Light to Drastically Reduce Dark Time of Flowering Plants
  16. Dystopian

    A Theory: Using Infrared Light to Drastically Reduce Dark Time of Flowering Plants

    UV is 400's below, IR starts after far red 660's making IR in bout the 700's. Also, if you decide to test this you might check out the post 10/10 therory ill link ina sec. But they guy is going to try to trick a plant onto a 20hr day. If both ideas work you might be able to seriously decrease...
  17. Dystopian

    Subcool have you ever seen a quadrifoliate????

    wonder if you could breed it to keep the geno type, wouldnt it increase the amt of bud??
  18. Dystopian

    1st LED GROW!

    are you going to be adding more light at all? sry if you addressed this, just woke up.
  19. Dystopian

    Under Current Hydroponics

    why the hell would you want to deal with all that damn water and huge ass rez's???? Check out stinkbuds thread on his aero system, way less pain. Jan i will be building one like his but larger with 4 rows. if your gonna go that big go aero, it seems like a waste of space and less efficiency than...