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  1. G

    Running out of room. Need advice.

    Im trying the FIM technique on the two distorted ones and super cropping the other two in the section with distorted leaves
  2. G

    Running out of room. Need advice.

    i started a week after you. how much co2 are they getting
  3. G

    how do these look

    i think i should cut back on nutrients
  4. G

    First Grow - Closet 600w DWC ScrOG - Ron Paul 2012

    currently how they look
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    First Grow - Closet 600w DWC ScrOG - Ron Paul 2012

    looks like you have a pretty decent system going good luck, just dont overfeed them and dont harvest to early
  6. G

    how do they look for 1 week and 4 days

    keep in mind that i took off sucker leaves at every third node. i also took the picture in the dark so the leaves are a bit droopy.
  7. G

    here they are still need tips

    my bad im new at posting pics
  8. G

    can i get tips on these

    heres my babies
  9. G

    4th week what do you think

    i run two seperate 450 wt setups is that not enough there mh aswell
  10. G

    4th week what do you think

    im curious to know what that bud will look like fully matured though
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    4th week what do you think

    i hope mine look like that
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    1 week

    these are a few days ahead
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    1 week

    how does it look
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    White Rhino under CFLs

    these are mine
  15. G

