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  1. DojaSweet

    CFL Wattage?

    Sprouting indoors growing outdoors, or do you think I should just sprout outdoors?
  2. DojaSweet

    CFL Wattage?

    How many watts are necessary to sprout seedlings?
  3. DojaSweet

    Nutrient Question?

    Thanks guys.
  4. DojaSweet

    Nutrient Question?

    I know that. I guess what I'm really asking is what's a high NPK or what's too low. Is there such thing as a too high N,P, or K rating?
  5. DojaSweet

    Nutrient Question?

    I was just looking at some nutrient and I was wondering if there's such thing as a nutrient being too high in any of the three main nutrients (NPK)? I already know you want a higher nitro for vegging and a high Phos and Potassium. But is there like a average ratio of all three that people strive...
  6. DojaSweet

    Sunleaves Three-Way Meter?

    Does anybody use this meter, and if so how well do you like it?
  7. DojaSweet

    Lighting ?

    I was thinking about LST'ing too so I guess side lighting wouldn't make much sense would it.
  8. DojaSweet

    Lighting ?

    Say I have a 400w MH for vegging, is it okay to have supplemental side lighting be from a different light spectrum?
  9. DojaSweet

    Perlite with FF Ocean Forest?

    I'm down with that, thanks for the replies.
  10. DojaSweet

    Perlite with FF Ocean Forest?

    If I purchased FF Ocean Forest soil would I get any benefit if I mixed perlite with it? If I did mix it what would be a good amount, 20% to 30%?
  11. DojaSweet


    I was just wondering why the EC of the soil is important to the plant?
  12. DojaSweet

    Ph testing

    Oh yeah, Thanks alot.
  13. DojaSweet

    Ph testing

    I've been reading that anwhere from 6.2 to 6.7 is a good ph. Why is it that greenhouse seeds use such a low ph (5.5-5.9) to grow there plants?
  14. DojaSweet

    Ph testing

    I was just wondering if I had the correct ph for my water is it neccessary or common to test the ph of the soil also?