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    male plant ?

    hmm cant get a better pic . 5 mp sucks .. the thing is there all from the same seed the others have hairs and are makign buds... this one is where the hairs are making strange leaves but no balls . so it will show soon just got my scissors out and ready to kill this one ahahahha ..
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    male plant ?

    let me take a few more from a few more angles :) thanks
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    male plant ?

    doing a lil outdoor stuff . the females have shown this is the only 1 differnt ... past males where differnt . all nodes sprouting leavy stuff plant is massive over 4 ft .. but bushy . would appreciate some info thanks !
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    what you think 2 weeks into flower

    hers a pic of the 1st plants growth its liek this all over i assure you this one had to have it removed it was killing my bud sites !
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    what you think 2 weeks into flower

    yes but i will get more buds this way ill up another few pics of that plant in a sec to show the structure quite unusual aswell lol heres another plant to show its not a 1 hit wonder ... in begining i added to the milk molses mix some peroxide worked wonders . been tinkering a bit with a...
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    what you think 2 weeks into flower

    small pot holds about 2 gallons dirt tops i dont use nutirents i have to pay alot for just milk molases and other shit in fridge or shelfs lol though every feeding i give it some type of substanace got a pretty good system down vegged under 1 42watt cfl and 2 23 wtt cfls on the sides...
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    what you think 2 weeks into flower

    2 weeks and a few days into flowering what you guys think ? lol if you look at the leaves it never made 5 and 7 leaves :D only 1 and 3 i got to revegg this sucker to get some clones or seeds definalty a keeper
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    a male ?

    i killed it i hope it didnt infect my girls :( thanks !!:D
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    a male ?

    thanks !! any more opinions ? ive got the scissors out i want to chop it down asap lol
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    a male ?

    well put in flowering only 4-5 days ago these showed up today
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    wierd sprout

    well if it didnt have 3 tops as a sprout i would toss it i dont typically use sprouts . clones are the way to go but since this is a odd plant i will try to see if it can get it back to heatly status . as im just curious as to what it wil look like 4-6 inches tall
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    curious if there is any strains of weed that when they sprout there is 3 tops instead of 1 right away
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    wierd sprout

    well i learned something new today about cameras lol had a option for close ups ... damn technology
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    wierd sprout

    well i have a camera i keep losing the cable to send pics to pc lol + im half retarded at pc stuff lol heres a crappy image :S im trying to get it better resolution all this money spent on this camrea i should get a better pic:D gonna try for a high res pic...
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    wierd sprout

    hello i was wondering something i had my bigger plant near by and well carelessley got my nutes in my freashly sprouted seeds in a concentrated amount ( was high knocked it into the dish ) . all died next day but 1 was going to toss it out but it started to grow so i didnt toss it and after a...