what you think 2 weeks into flower

2 weeks and a few days into flowering what you guys think ?

lol if you look at the leaves it never made 5 and 7 leaves :D only 1 and 3

i got to revegg this sucker to get some clones or seeds definalty a keeper


Well-Known Member
Very lush foliage my man. What strain? What type of soil? Nutrients? Lighting? Pot size?
small pot holds about 2 gallons dirt tops

i dont use nutirents i have to pay alot for just milk molases and other shit in fridge or shelfs lol though every feeding i give it some type of substanace got a pretty good system down

vegged under 1 42watt cfl and 2 23 wtt cfls on the sides

had to cut away alot of the foilage believe it or not .. was no room for the cfls to penetrate down and growth was in way of bud sites when they dreid was like 14 grams of leaves removed to make room

leaves got me high i was pleased . not sure strain bag seed i had some skunk seed awhile back but it got lost when wife threw them in with the bunk seeds . mite have pulled the skunk out no clue

i have no idea why leaves never did right mutant maybee leaves got me higher then the med grade i get around here lol


Well-Known Member
Wow, now I am very impressed LOL. Milk, molasses or some type of substance would normally not be a typical feeding regimine by any standard, but MY LORD it's worked for you. No signs of deficiency, over feeding or ph imbalances. You seem to have promoted a very healthy root structure, given the foliage mass and vigor. I wouldn't worry about the leaves never going to 5 and 7 points. It's just the genetics of the plant. Seriously, I commend you for truly working with what you had. Fuckin milk? LMFAO Awesome.

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
If i had to say, i'd say she's Indica dominant. I would not have cut the lower fan leaves, because those fan leaves absorb the light via photosynthesis. Then, when dark rolls around, the plant applies that energy into flowering. Cutting the fan leaves can hinder bud growth, but won't completely stop it. While cutting the fan leaves isn't a "NO-NO!", some people swear it's ok to do. I happen to think like a plant, so I myself wouldn't cut the fan leaves. The more fan leaves your plant makes, the bigger (potential) yield you can have.

(All you RIU-ers can please correct me if any of my information is in any way off or misleading!)

Good luck bro, happy growing!


Well-Known Member
^He's right. Healthy foliage is needed for bud production. If you want it in a nutshell, the plant's leaves are it's solar panels. It needs them for photosynthesis to take place. In your case, don't worry about cropping some off like you did to make space. Your plant is very healthy and has plenty of leaf mass to maintain itself.
yes but i will get more buds this way ill up another few pics of that plant in a sec to show the structure quite unusual aswell lol

heres another plant to show its not a 1 hit wonder ... in begining i added to the milk molses mix some peroxide worked wonders . been tinkering a bit with a mixture ( with alot of trail and error this alwyas didnt use to work so well lol )

top leaves removed here aswell though quicker then you think not fully matureing and in selected angels for light penetration basically i leave the outside leaves adn trim a hole in the middle so the light on top can go all the way inside

same as other 2 weeks into flower same lights 1 42 and 2 23s this 1 is in 5 gallon bucket a size that is new to me like it so far :D

sorry 4 big pics im a noob at uploading

hers a pic of the 1st plants growth its liek this all over i assure you this one had to have it removed it was killing my bud sites !



Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you invest in more sufficient lighting your time will much more worth the while. I wasn't doubting your feeding BTW, just commenting on the creativity and resourcefulness. Are you just adding things to see what works, or is there a method to your madness?

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
Ya know.. come to think of it a few years back someone told me that they read somewhere that this guy had used MILK to "fatten" his produce. In his case, it was a watermelon.. or a pumpkin.. hell i forget.. So adding a small portion of milk may not hurt.. Don't really know, but i'm not gonna try it on my first grow.. maybe when i get more experience under my belt and get cocky.. LOL!