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  1. S

    any body got any opinions about cloning of a clone

    I have la confidental growing indoor and have some plants about to turn to flower and no longer have my mother plant if i was to cut some clones of these clones wil my strand become week?
  2. S

    What's up with my plant?

    think it could be due to ither your soil or over watering try transplanting into some potting mix with a perlite mix and cfl dont give of much heat so hardly need to watter them when that young
  3. S

    need help kinda worried go some yellow crispy spots on my leaves

    wat soil are you using i had that same problem on a few seeds i grew and found it was due to my soil i transplanded into nice soil with some worm castings and perlite with in a week my plants took of and were more healty than ever
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    ordering seeds to nz

    has anybody tryed sending seeds to nz if so wat is a good seed bank to use?
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    questions about seed banks.

    has anybody tryed sending seeds to new zealand?
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    Can someone help me with this flowering deficiency. PIC INCLUDED

    i had this problem with my first and second grow i found my problems were due to my soil not light my temp sits on 32 now that hot and dont have that problem i think that they are drowning no oxigen to the roots how often do u water and have u got perlite or media in your soil i add 20% media to...
  7. S

    if my room is to dry would this cause my plants

    if my room is to dry would this cause my plants to yellow in all new groath and brown on tips of leaves got 400w hps and my intake fan is alot bigger than my out take so i thought might be to dry?????
  8. S

    transplanted plants 2 days ago should i give nuits or is there enough in dirt

    thanks for the help also i have 10L buckets how much water would you recomend giving them??
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    transplanted plants 2 days ago should i give nuits or is there enough in dirt

    my plants are 10 inch high clones 5 weeks old had problems with leaves yellowing and stunted they were in compost transplanted into potting mix 2 days ago under 400w hps light told the compost was no good and held to much water when i transplanted the roots had hardly grown and the bottem half...
  10. S

    are these to small to turn to 12/12 wanting a oz per plant?

    they are 4 weeks now and have been pritty stunted
  11. S

    what am i doing wrong please help got pics

    should i add lime to my pots is it ok to just put ontop and how much should i put on???
  12. S

    what am i doing wrong please help got pics

    seem to be stunted moved into room 1.2m by 0.8m plants in black pots have been toped
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    what am i doing wrong please help got pics

    these plant have been in the buckets for 2 weeks nowthe second pic is the leaves i cut of the last pic is the plants with the leaves gone
  14. S

    what am i doing wrong please help got pics

    this is my first grow indoors andthings just arnt going as i expected read lots and tryed lots cant figure it out i have 5 clones of big bud that i got that were rooted out the jiffy pots 4 weeks ago planted them in compost bought from shop witch i use for my out door plants every year and they...
  15. S

    My poor ganja =( leaves turning yellow and drying on the tips

    i think your post shouldnt of been pot on plant problems thats for sure
  16. S

    how far away should a 600w hps be from 3 week old 8inch tall clones

    they are rooted they have been for 3 weeks and been stunted with all leaves turning yellow seems anything i put in there is turning yellow any ideas wat it could be thanks for any help
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    how far away should a 600w hps be from 3 week old 8inch tall clones

    how far away should a 600w hps be from 3 week old 8inch tall clones my room is 1.2m square
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    could spidermites make my leaves turn yellow

    could spidermites make my leaves turn yellow??
  19. S

    plants smell like solfa when watered

    plants smell like solfa when watered and yellowing should i add lime or is this not a problem plants in 50/50 compost and potting mix temp 22c under 600w hps just found out my light was a 600w and ballest was 400w so got a 600w ballest now could this of been the problem for yellowing wrong...