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  1. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks fdd2blk :), but btw the red hairs and crystals are much more apparant than through the camera cuz its just a blackberry camera.. my charger for my battery is missing but anyway i was trying to yield for the most sativa mental high if i could so should i cut it down when there are still...
  2. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    HALLJO okayyy so these are the new pictures i took but they're from a shittyyy camera so i couldnt use macro or anything to make the image nice:(. Hope you can still let me know though:), the other pictures are of my other plant i think it has maybe a week or two longer than the bigger one...
  3. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Heyy again fdd2blk was just wondering how much longer you think my plants would have left? I cant upload any new pictures cuz my bro took back his camera with him. When i woke up this morning the whole plant was bent over cuz of the weight and i dont have any support poles (i was using the...
  4. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thanks a lot fdd:) wasnt expecting that much longerr though. Ill post pics of the other one laterr then cuz it must have a month and a half to 2 months longer then
  5. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hii was wondering how long this unknown seed i got from a friend needs? I only have 2 growing and each have only ONE 23W CFL each.. LMAO i know thats terrible but its a one time thing until im olderr and can get my own house:). Pictures are only for the bigger one as it looks like its almost...
  6. F

    Flowering Problem!?

    Well one light is around 2-3 inches from the bigg plant, the smaller plant that grew kinda retard i keep like 4-5 inches because it burns its leaf even more. Should I have another light that goes inbetween these plants so that the leafy growth of the plant beyond the top nodes are gettin more...
  7. F

    Flowering Problem!?

    Nope :(, im growing this in my parents house and its more of a one time thing until i have my own house i guess :p. Is there any subsitutions? Could I bring the plants outside during the first 12 hours then bring them inside for total darkness after? Would that produce better yield?!? thanks !
  8. F

    Flowering Problem!?

    Awhh.. well for the future that does seem like a great idea. However im only limited to these resources at the moment as this is only a one time thing until years to come :(. So the lights are the main issue? I was guessing that it would be :(. Do you think if i add maybe 1-2 more 23W lights I...
  9. F

    Flowering Problem!?

    HELLO, I've been flowering my 2 plants in my closet for 2 weeks and 2 days. Ive had the plants on vegatative growth for around a month before. My plants are not showing any indication of budding, but I see one white hair from the bigger plant. However, even with a magnifying glass I cant see any...