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  1. P

    What type of light do you recommend for clones/mother.

    I plan to have about 7 clones under the light at once, I know I'd need some sort of LED light just not sure what wattage etf. Also the mother plant? Would that go under a 400 watt HPS or could I stick it under the LED light too?
  2. P

    Need help learning about the NFT system

    I'm looking at his set-up now, thank you!
  3. P

    Need help learning about the NFT system

    @gonenowhere thank you very much you've been great help! oh and the 50 plants thing have a look at this mate, So I'll go for 1 1000watt light. you guys have been great help tyvm! Sometimes all the ifo is there for you but you get yourself in a...
  4. P

    Need help learning about the NFT system

    Right ok, so i can run it 24/7 that's good news! What about the other questions mate? I have read and seen that you do need to use some sort of medium, such as clay balls, the NFT system that you describe is one where the roots sit in the reservoir but my reservoir will be far below the tray...
  5. P

    Need help learning about the NFT system

    OK, I get some of the system but don't get it all so if i tell you guys what i get and what I need to know maybe you could correct me where i'm going wrong if i am. 1) OK so I've heard in a 4x4 NFT table I can grow 50 plants, is this true? 2) with an NFT system all i need to do is have the...
  6. P

    Need some guidance

    Hey guys! I've got my 240x240x200 tent up and running now I was thinking to grow 16 plants in there in the Wilma system, the 16 Big pot Wilma system. But before I go ahead and buy the system I need to do some research on it, I've been looking around but cant find much information about the bits...
  7. P

    Need some guidance

    Yeah just clay. Well, and the two little squares that go into each other of rockwell, to establish a root system.
  8. P

    Need some guidance

    Hey guys! I've got my 240x240x200 tent up and running now I was thinking to grow 16 plants in there in the Wilma system, the 16 Big pot Wilma system. But before I go ahead and buy the system I need to do some research on it, I've been looking around but cant find much information about the bits...
  9. P

    Will 20 plants fit in here?

    Thinking about it. I might get a hydro system actually! Does this system have enough room between each pot for the plant to grow and spread out?
  10. P

    Will 20 plants fit in here?

    Thanks for all the advice guys! I have a hydro system but it's very odd and I dont really know how to work it so I'm going to do it in soil and then look into that dripper system you was talking about after I harvest these guys!
  11. P

    Will 20 plants fit in here?

    Veg for 1 month, flower for 2months is the plan.
  12. P

    Will 20 plants fit in here?

    I'm planning on growing 20 plants I'm wondering if this will be enough for 20 plats and if not then how many plats could I fit in here...
  13. P

    Ready to cut down yet?

    what do u guys think? How long left?
  14. P

    $0 temp grow cab for maybe a week

    NICE one bro! how much did u get dry off it? or is that a nug u bought lol?
  15. P

    SAGARMATHA Chunky Cheese [first grow]

    Only 400watt, my next grow will be under a 600 watt which I've already bought! Thanks, and I've got a mini-microscope now too, 60-100x zoom :)
  16. P

    SAGARMATHA Chunky Cheese [first grow]

    Hey, just an update on the plants. Looking really really healthy!! I'm thinking I'll cut them down in 1 week but I'm going to buy a magnifier glass to make sure it's at the right time! Any advice on what I'm looking for will be great guys!
  17. P

    Help with Hydroponics.

    The hydro system I use is this one
  18. P

    Help with Hydroponics.

    Lol no guys I didn't germ under light, I germ in wet paper towel in a warm place. So I need to dip the rock wool, with the roots in, in water once a day? And keep the light 4 feet away unroll a month or so I guess so the leaves don't burn.
  19. P

    Help with Hydroponics.

    Hey guys, I've lost one set of 6 seeds already, don't want to do it again really so instead of telling myself I know all the answers I'm going to ask for help this time :) I really want to move on from soil to hydro, but I clearly need to do my research and ask questions first. So I got the...
  20. P

    SAGARMATHA Chunky Cheese [first grow]

    They're really coming along well now, here is a few pics! We took one out, they was getting to bushy so moved it somewhere else. Trying to learn how to do it all hydroponically. Any tips would be great or links to threads :)