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  1. S

    What is wrong with my babies? Photos attached

    Seems the problem has been solved. I've had a nice growth spurt and nice green leaves. Foliar sprayed a bit and flushed with a 75% solution mix at 5.81ph and 1400ppm total. That includes a 100% dose of magne-cal. Coco learning curves, hydro and soil are much less of a headache but I have a...
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    What is wrong with my babies? Photos attached

    Thanks for the quick responses guys. It's my first coco grow. I've done hydro, aero and soil with awesome results and not a single issue. Coco has been the opposite for me. I transplanted them at 4 weeks, never gave any nutes for the first 2 weeks. After that I nuted at 25% solution. The...
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    What is wrong with my babies? Photos attached

    Hi. I have tried in my journal to diagnose this with no luck. My research suggests a cal-mag def. prior to transplanting I think there was a bit of root rot. I am growing in coco, each water/feed is at 5.8ph, ppm never more than 1200 but mostly around the 900 mark. My tap water runs at 400ppm...
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    White Widow, White Russian, THC Bomb, Power Plant, Northern Lights x Big Bud and Sugar Black Rose

    Anybody out there? Need some help! I've had a few issues along the way with this coco grow. So far I've experienced what look like root rot when I transplanted. Some roots around the edges of the pots on the inside were brown and somewhat liquified... Think I solved that problem but what has...
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    White Widow, White Russian, THC Bomb, Power Plant, Northern Lights x Big Bud and Sugar Black Rose

    Babies are getting a lil bigger but seem a bit slow on the uptake. I am going to start with mild nutes now. Have started to set up my tent excluding the vents. I think that's gona be a maze of ducting running through my room as one will be going out the chimney and one for an inlet from a vent...
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    White Widow, White Russian, THC Bomb, Power Plant, Northern Lights x Big Bud and Sugar Black Rose

    Lol. Yea I probably should have made it a bit clearer. This is going to be my veg box for a mother and some clones. In the meantime it is just for my seedlings which will be getting transferred to a 2.4 x 1.2m tent. This will run either 4 or 5 400w hps bulbs. I'm doing this on as tight a budget...
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    White Widow, White Russian, THC Bomb, Power Plant, Northern Lights x Big Bud and Sugar Black Rose

    So I've used an old cupboard that I found in someone's front yard that was 'free to a good home'. This is as good as it gets. I will keep using it as my veg box for the meantime. It should hold a couple mothers and clones as they get done. An update on the seedlings, I've lost all my white...
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    Pictures do not work when posting

    Hey Yoda, I had the same problem but i just resized the images as my iphone takes 3mb pics. It doesnt tell you that the pics are too big though I just figured it out by playing around a bit. Hope this helps
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    How do I change my signature??

    Guys, I know this has been asked but there is valid reason for asking again. I can't find the 'My Rollitup' bar I used to have. How do I navigate to the edit signature section of this? All help appreciated
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    White Widow, White Russian, THC Bomb, Power Plant, Northern Lights x Big Bud and Sugar Black Rose

    Hey Grandmah. It's a strain by delicious seeds that got as a freebie. I'm hoping it turns out good because it sounds quite nice. I'm not one to count my chickens before they hatch but I can already taste it. What medium do you grow in? Here's a review I read about it...
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    White Widow, White Russian, THC Bomb, Power Plant, Northern Lights x Big Bud and Sugar Black Rose

    Haha. That they are! Like babies but also just a stressful trying to nurture them to an older age
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    pineapple express

    Hey man theyre looking good so far. I am just about to do my first coco grow although I have grown a few crops of Pineapple Express. Lovely strain, not too strong and very tasty! quite consistent from seed too but I did have one girl that gave me over 2.5oz in a sea of green. I've switched over...
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    White Widow, White Russian, THC Bomb, Power Plant, Northern Lights x Big Bud and Sugar Black Rose

    Hi there guys. I've finally gotten round to doing another grow after many ups n downs. I guess it's all about timing. I have chosen to do a coco grow which is a first for me. I am working on a tight budget so the outcome of this thread will hopefully be somewhat educational for those who want to...
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    Where to start??

    Hi there guys. So I've been out the game for a few years. I've decided to move over to Spain where I've managed to secure a property with a nice, ventilated basement around 2.5x1.5 meters. The real question now, is where do I start? I have done many a grow, one I started to post on here but...
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    Pineapple Express

    take a look at my journal, got 22 pineapple plants on the go now. used to do a few different strains but now i dnt even bother. P.E all the way!!
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    Pineapple Express

    get some pineapple express, u wont be disappointed!!! good yield, good taste and a classic high. its totally different to any other strain. but i will say, if u like the kind of weed that leaves u unable to move then this one aint 4 u. its a head high. its a whole other level of consiousness
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    Anyone have a Pineapple Express smoke or grow report?

    ive grown and smoked it. in my opinion its more a quality smoke than a 'knock-u-the-fuck-out' kinda smoke. yield is good! i got nearly 5 ounces off 3 plants in 6.5l pots. bt as for taste, its lovely!! honestly ive fallen in love with this strain, i gt 22 P.E plants on the go right nw and thats...
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    Pineapple Express 1200w grow tent

    oh yea, just out of interest sake. the trees growing in the gold label are, in general, bigger and bushier than the plants in the bio-bizz... but by the price difference of a bag, im not surprised! bt u gota pay for quality!! i think i'll definately be using it again