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  1. padster

    Padsters 1st ever grow! - 4 Fem Snow White (CFL/400HPS/tent)

    Hey all! Getting close now! I think i might even start flushing one of these babies in a couple of days for harvest in about 2 weeks. Anyway, some pics...
  2. padster

    Padsters 1st ever grow! - 4 Fem Snow White (CFL/400HPS/tent)

    I caught a few group pics just as the light went out today...
  3. padster

    Padsters 1st ever grow! - 4 Fem Snow White (CFL/400HPS/tent)

    thanx, i'm really looking forward to blasting some soon! ...when do you finish yours, how many wks flower?
  4. padster

    Padsters 1st ever grow! - 4 Fem Snow White (CFL/400HPS/tent)

    The planned G13 clones fell thru:cry:, so i gotta work on a new plan for the next grow. I'm very tempted to try a re-veg on these plants, but i don't know how that works with hempy and whether the roots will be ok. I'll do a bit more research 1st... I've gone off the idea of doing my bag...
  5. padster

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Their tech ain't that good if they gotta keep doing it, what are they gonna see different today that they did not see yesterday? Seems an expensive way of trying to catch u... chill
  6. padster

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Think i could have a lot of popcorn too mate, my light's just not penetrating the canopy. Tho i heard trimming can stress the plant, foliage is there for a reason an all that... Anyway it's only my 1st grow so i wanted to pretty much leave it alone to see what it does naturally(indoors and in...
  7. padster

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cheers TTT! Nice lookin cheese btw! I had a rare bit of that stuff come my way the other week, damn good smoke. Don't know how comparable it is too snow white yet but if it's half as good i'll be happy. I'll also be just as happy if my plants fill out anything close to that sucker of yours!
  8. padster

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Remember paranoia in small amounts can be your friend! I'd much rather have some of that than complacency, cos that'll get you caught. Plus cheers for the +rep, ...tho for some reason it's not showed up as positive?? I don't get it sometimes, i apparently neg rep'd someone without knowing it...
  9. padster

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Not unless you're planning on taking your bank statement down the local cop shop for a good 'ole chin wag on your current financial affairs. Another post i read once put it quite plainly, if they're looking at stuff like your bank accounts, energy usage or intentionally flying copters over your...
  10. padster

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yeah, there's pure irony in the fact that we get para growing it just to get more para from the end product. Either way it's all in the mind and just by recognising that fact then you're half way to overcoming the problem...
  11. padster

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I think quite often that we get more para because we know it's dodgy, but that doesn't always mean that others see it as dodgy too. As matchbox quite rightly points out, other people have legit reasons to buy from hydroponic stores and i bet they don't give 2 fooks about it being on their...
  12. padster

    Padsters 1st ever grow! - 4 Fem Snow White (CFL/400HPS/tent)

    Cheers bud, and thanks for the virtual toke hoping to be taking a not so virtual toke on these babies soon!
  13. padster

    Padsters 1st ever grow! - 4 Fem Snow White (CFL/400HPS/tent)

    Thanks pal, i'm well chuffed so far! Yours won't be long to show now, and when they do give them plenty of time to be sure. I was unsure about some growths on one of my plants so i started a thread to determine sex. People near convinced me it was hermie and had i not been so stubborn i would...
  14. padster

    Padsters 1st ever grow! - 4 Fem Snow White (CFL/400HPS/tent)

    Thanks jfa196, hope they smoke bomb too!:joint: Update time... Everything's ok, it's all going a little slow now. Probably because i'm getting a bit excited now, it's hard not too when spending time with these lovely ladies! So i started week 6 of flower today and here's some pics of...
  15. padster

    snow white closet grow

    Hey pal, thought i'd pop my head in to see how a fellow SW grower is doing! they look well, don't you just love the symmetry to them? they sure are a nice plant, i can't wait for that finishing post! Btw how're those stems lookin' today?
  16. padster

    Padsters 1st ever grow! - 4 Fem Snow White (CFL/400HPS/tent)

    Nice to see you m8, and cheers for plant compliments. God damn if you could see the shite i'm smoking tonight you'd really understand my need to grow, this stuff tastes bad, smokes bad and the only effect i'm getting from it is placebo i'm sure. Ironic to think what i've paid for it is...
  17. padster

    UK Crop Circle Phenomenon (now showing alien language???(PIC))

    Yeah, now i did think about graffiti artists and you have a point to some degree. A small degree at that tho. They work alone mostly, not in teams of intellectual geometric mined mathematicians! And don't many of them tag their artwork?, so i would expect maybe something like that in the crops...
  18. padster

    Ghs trainwreck & bigbang grow 250w

    Ur welcome along any time dude! But going back to your grow, jeez ya got some tasty looking bud on the go there fella...
  19. padster

    Padsters 1st ever grow! - 4 Fem Snow White (CFL/400HPS/tent)

    Cheers hits! Just been in there now, feeding time yet again! I was looking around them, and yeah, lower down the plants ain't doing too fat but the colas are coming along something sweet. They're quite different too, 2 of the ladies are short with a really concentrated central growth. While...
  20. padster

    Ghs trainwreck & bigbang grow 250w

    Hey tam, i been busy trying to get my snow white's to be as successful as yours!