UK Crop Circle Phenomenon (now showing alien language???(PIC))


Well-Known Member
Why is Banksy the artist so elusive? it makes it a bigger thrill and adds another dimension seeing your work on the news & nobody knowing your identity.. think of the buzz that would give you seeing it on all the news networks the next morning. Some people graf on walls & a tiny minority do it using corn, I wouldn't say it was all for sweet fa, I guess you'd have to ask one of creators as to why they do it, I just see the corn as their medium.. & wouldn't it be great being a circle creator & reading all this debate about your work too? Not bashing you man btw, just giving you my humble opinion on a interesting topic
Yeah, now i did think about graffiti artists and you have a point to some degree. A small degree at that tho. They work alone mostly, not in teams of intellectual geometric mined mathematicians! And don't many of them tag their artwork?, so i would expect maybe something like that in the crops, accepting that it can't be the same team of people for all of them.

As for Banksy, elusive yeah, but we know it's Banksy so it's not quite comparable. Then there's the fact that a lot of graffiti artists that get caught in the act of their work, but not the croppies? maybe they should take up growing weed cos they're the kings of stealth! Then you say about the buzz from all the media coverage ...but there isn't any any more. Like i said previously, the media have pretty much put this one to bed as a non story, case closed. So i still say it's for sweet fa. Finally, i seriously doubt they'd have the time or inclination to be reading our musings on the subject.

As for bashing me man, you're just cruel! Is your offence your best line of defence? Are you that scared to believe that there maybe an alternative explanation to the phenomenon? lol

Seriously tho m8, i'm not feeling in the least bit bashed. I thank you for your honest input, banter and general conflab on the topic! After all, i was only after starting a thread not an argument lol!