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  1. M

    Help Identifying

    O my bad ha, i figured some people could look at them and know what kind they were. Thanks anyway
  2. M

    Help Identifying

    Hi this is my first grow and i just threw some bag seed down, could anybody try and help identify if possible what kind of bud this is. The pics arent that good so im not sure if it is possible but thanks.
  3. M

    Need To Pass A Hair Folicle Drug Test

    drink a lot of cranbury juice and run a lot. it helps i swear
  4. M


    i attend Georgtown Prep. not that far away.
  5. M

    Male or Female?

    Yo how far along was your plant when you took this picture?
  6. M

    Germination help...

    I put two in a cup of water and 2 in a wet paper towel in a bag, I then combined both of them into the cup. the one that floated is doin about 2x better than the ones that sunk but im not sure why. 3 out of the 4 seeds have sprouted after 6 days. These methods always work... how long can i...
  7. M

    Once and for all. Should co2 be used in flower

    What is the vegging stage, what exactly is happeneing in this stage?
  8. M

    I call it: The BillyBob scrOG.

    What is a cola, so many people talk about them.
  9. M

    Week 5 boreddd took pics how they loookinnn?

    Are the plants going to produce as much even if they arent feed nutrients or do u need them?
  10. M

    New White Hairs at end of flowering?

    My first question is how do u know you are nine and half wekks through flowering? second is, on a plant like this how do you what to actually harvest?
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    My First Grow - AK47 in a Bloombox

    What does it mean to "top" a plant? and why would you do it?
  12. M

    Narpal Round 2 Done Right

    What does stretched mean?
  13. M

    Newbie trying to germinate

    I put two in a cup of water and 2 in a wet paper towel in a bag, I then combined both of them into the cup. the one that floated is doin about 2x better than the ones that sunk but im not sure why. 3 out of the 4 seeds have sprouted after 6 days, how long can i leave them in there before they...
  14. M

    Just Started

    Hey i just started germination 4 days ago. Already i have 2 out of the 4 sprouted. I have been studying posts for over 6 months now and now its my time. Pretty excited. I am going to keep everybody posted on my grow. -bro
  15. M


    ah alright i c thanks.
  16. M


    Is there a way to kepp the plant from growing really tall? Can you cut it or will that kill it? thanks
  17. M


    o really, so whats with the 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness, in august its more like an 18 sunlight 6 darkness. but thanks
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    If i were to start planting in april, and my plants grow successfully is there anyway that i can get them into flowering while keeping them outside? Or do you have to bring it inside and keep put it on your own 12/12 light system. thanks.
  19. M

    Really New To The Whole Process.

    whoops im sorry you must of not understood me. I am not looking to plant right now i just want to be ready for when the time comes. I have heard that it should be like early april is to start germination.
  20. M

    Really New To The Whole Process.

    i read the FAQ and they helped but i thought some of the stuff on there was too advanced. From the day you plant the seeds (after germination) how long should it take for them to start taking shape and start to "flower" i guess as it is called...