Really New To The Whole Process.


Active Member
Hey i am brand new to the whole thing. I know just about nothing except of where i am going to grow it outside and how to germinate. The rest i am clueless. I need to know what to do after germination and when a good time for the east coast of the United states, to start growing. Please help.


Active Member
well you should definitely read the Grow FAQ up at the top of the page. It's very informative. You do not want to try and plant anything outdoors now on the East Coast unless your in the south I suppose. If your in the New England area, it will do nothing but die in couple weeks once we get frost. Wait till spring and plant it then.


Active Member
i read the FAQ and they helped but i thought some of the stuff on there was too advanced. From the day you plant the seeds (after germination) how long should it take for them to start taking shape and start to "flower" i guess as it is called...


Well-Known Member
dude where do you live. Plants out side at this time of year on the east coast will not get enough sun to grow very well. If they survive until spring they will start growing then. And be done by next October. They will be trees if they make it that long and no one spots them in the meantime. Does that answer your question?? VV


Active Member
whoops im sorry you must of not understood me. I am not looking to plant right now i just want to be ready for when the time comes. I have heard that it should be like early april is to start germination.