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  1. Splifffff

    *UPDATE* indica

    scotts potting soil. has perlite. and the nutes are fish fert. but a lot of it. 3 60 watt cfl's. going outside for flowering.
  2. Splifffff

    *UPDATE* indica

    btw its lst'd so tts why it's leaning. don't look at it like it's dying. its stem is rlly strong actually.
  3. Splifffff

    *UPDATE* indica

    last post was 6 weeks. it's been a week since transplant/ FIM. grew 2 in. and is going into flower next week. tell me what you think. 7 weeks. =] 6 weeks....... =/
  4. Splifffff

    Dead leaves, should I cut em?

    LMAOOOOOO :joint:
  5. Splifffff

    6 weed old indica

    its a female. i can tell by it's preflowers. and yeah alaskan fish fert. you think i could get 1/2 a ounce out of it?
  6. Splifffff

    6 weed old indica

    how much do u think it will yeild?
  7. Splifffff

    6 weed old indica

    i water like every 3 days. and its a bag seed. it's actually 2 days short of 6 weeks. but yeah lol. im pretty disapponted with it cuz i see other plants that are huge compared to mine. is there ne thing i can do to increase it's growth?
  8. Splifffff

    6 weed old indica

    yeah but she'll be like a foot after flowering. i'm only looking to get like a 1/2 and ill be happy.
  9. Splifffff

    6 weed old indica

    i only have 2 60 watt cfls....
  10. Splifffff

    6 weed old indica

    how does it look? she's my first grow...well second, the others outside but it kinda fell over O__O. but that was when it was like 4 weeks. this ones going outside soon. I just FIMed it and transplanted it. Im gonna put a wood crate over it at 730 at night and take it off at 730 in the...
  11. Splifffff

    How can i sex my plants ealry?

    ts a female! =]
  12. Splifffff

    How can i sex my plants ealry?

    I dont want to clone them. I would like to try covering lower branch with a bag for 12 hours but is that bad? and would i have to get the whole branch or just the leaves?
  13. Splifffff

    Is this possible?

    Can i veg. my plants indoors until about a foot tall, flower them inside under 12/12, then put them outside? Eventhough it would be around early July when I would put them outside so the light wont be 12/12 becuase I live in NY. But will they continue flowering? or go back to Veg? The reason I...
  14. Splifffff

    Did i mess up?

    U mean they will begin flowering then or I will have buds ready to harvest by then?
  15. Splifffff

    Did i mess up?

    i have 2 60 watt cfl's and a fan. theres pics in my other threads. and so you think i should take it back inside till around the beginning of July? will this stress it?
  16. Splifffff

    Did i mess up?

    Okay, so i started 2 plants from bag seeds indoors and they are both currently 4 in. tall. One wasn't well rooted and I felt that it shouldn't be outdoors yet. The other, I put outside 4 nights ago. I live in NY and i relized that the cycle of light isn't 12/12 yet. Does anyone know when that...
  17. Splifffff

    1st Time Grow. 3 weeks in...

    i cut two cups in half and taped them together to make bigger pots cuz i didnt want to waste money. and im using topsoil but i just picked up potting soil with perilite that i will use next transplant.
  18. Splifffff

    1st Time Grow. 3 weeks in...

    The first and 4th photo are the younger plant nd the other photos are of the older one. there both about 3 weeks old just 2 day differences. The older one looks bad though. and they both have yellow leaves. I water them every 2 days or so and i have 2 60 watt flourecsents. they are both about...
  19. Splifffff

    How long should i let my plant Veg.?

    I want to know how long I should keep it in veg. It's about 2 weeks old now and i want to harvest by mid-july. Is that Realistic? and it's an indica. How big or small will the yeild be? whens the earliest i could put it in flower? thanks.
  20. Splifffff

    The leaves on my seedling look weird. HELP?

    i was thinking the same thing. i just did. and watered it in