Did i mess up?


Okay, so i started 2 plants from bag seeds indoors and they are both currently 4 in. tall. One wasn't well rooted and I felt that it shouldn't be outdoors yet. The other, I put outside 4 nights ago. I live in NY and i relized that the cycle of light isn't 12/12 yet. Does anyone know when that will begin? and also, can I take it back indoors, flower both of them indoors until they start to smell up my house, and then put them outdoors? When is the best time to put them outdoors if I was able to do that. thanks.


Well-Known Member
They will be fine. You don't want to start a flowering cycle at 4 inches tall anyway. The longest day of the year is June 21. After that the days will begin to get shorter again (daylight hours), and this will give your plants a little time to grow before they begin to flower, which will give you a better yield I think.
They will be fine. You don't want to start a flowering cycle at 4 inches tall anyway. The longest day of the year is June 21. After that the days will begin to get shorter again (daylight hours), and this will give your plants a little time to grow before they begin to flower, which will give you a better yield I think.
yeah thats what I would do too :leaf:

but anyways, what type and strength of lighting do you have indoors? your best bet is probably the sunlight anyways unless you have a killer setup :hump:


i have 2 60 watt cfl's and a fan. theres pics in my other threads. and so you think i should take it back inside till around the beginning of July? will this stress it?