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  1. Magnoliobud

    What will eventual plant size be

    Any ideas?
  2. Magnoliobud

    August 1st plant sizes. What ya got?

    we will see how they turn out. I only have exp with indoor plants. this is my first attempt outdoors. these are the Oatmeal skunk plants i just harvested a couple weeks ago. the lemon outside smells insane though cant wait to see what ppl tell me about how it smokes.
  3. Magnoliobud

    August 1st plant sizes. What ya got?

    Got a few lemon skunk x Og #18's buddin that are about 3 ft One Woody Harrelson about 5ft and 2 Trainwrecks that are over 6'.
  4. Magnoliobud

    What will eventual plant size be

    Hey fellas. I have some lemon skunk plants that are already budding and approx 3 ft is the tallest of those. I also have 2 Trainwreck that have turned into over 6 ft bushes. Ive topped them over 5 times already to try keepin them low till they started buddin. Can someone tell me what to...
  5. Magnoliobud

    1st Outdoor Grow So Cal

    Thanks Ill go out and get some of that Safer BT stuff this week.. I sprayed all the plants with the Organocide but i still had the catapillars and the stuff stank pretty bad
  6. Magnoliobud

    1st Outdoor Grow So Cal

    yeah its hot as hells man least today we are gettin a break from the triple didgets. I have them on a drip system for an everyother day watering and on the extremely hot days i will go hand feed them:) thx for the response though
  7. Magnoliobud

    Caterpillars on the Outdoor Crop Help.

    I did just cant seem to find them right now.. Ill look later today
  8. Magnoliobud

    Caterpillars on the Outdoor Crop Help.

    Bah cant find it but.... it will look similar to this.. The mites stay under the leaves suckin out the juices making these little white spots
  9. Magnoliobud

    Caterpillars on the Outdoor Crop Help.

    Sec lemme find a pic of how they got the leaves ...i know i got it somewhere
  10. Magnoliobud

    Caterpillars on the Outdoor Crop Help.

    :)... My Second indoor harvest i had spidermites.. Those sucked so bad i hope this is gonna be nothing like those
  11. Magnoliobud

    Caterpillars on the Outdoor Crop Help.

    Thats something I could try I spose. Although it seems there are eggs on some of the leaves. Ive pulled those off but im sure there are some i cant see. Also those bastards are only on the leaves that have trichomes on them. They dont want the plain ones. haha
  12. Magnoliobud

    Caterpillars on the Outdoor Crop Help.

    Thanks. It's a Lemon Skunk x Og#18 S1. Got it as a clone and used it to make 4 others b4 she started buddin. Just the leaves so far are being eaten.
  13. Magnoliobud

    Caterpillars on the Outdoor Crop Help.

    Haha yeah I have been pickin them off and poppin them in my fingers so far. Damn things are a pain.. This is my first outdoor crop and want it to go well.
  14. Magnoliobud

    Caterpillars on the Outdoor Crop Help.

    I have just noticed some caterpillars on one of my outdoor plants. I sprayed the plants with Organocide about 4 days ago but the little buggers are still munchin away on the leaves.. Is there anything else I can use to take care of this problem?
  15. Magnoliobud

    1st Outdoor Grow So Cal

    I also just realized i have a problem with some tiny caterpillars on the lemon skunk plant that's budding any help on how to get rid of them would be helpful. I have concentrated Organocide but i read somewhere that it makes the buds permanently smell like the fish oil.. Any help on how to get...
  16. Magnoliobud

    What size are your plants by July 1st?

    4' 8" as of today. They were put in the ground May 3rd. 2 trainwreck 1 woody harrellson 3 lemon skunk x og #18 s1 Edit: They are only in 5 gallon pots since so not sure how they are gonna do.. Havent moved in to the big o smart pots. Maybe next season. :)
  17. Magnoliobud

    1st Outdoor Grow So Cal

    Hey Fellas this year i decided to do an outdoor grow finally. The majority of the plants look healthy as can be but a few leaves are yellowing and then dryin out. Was thinkin maybe its the heat burnin them.. Last week it reached about 105 F certain days here.. Any other possible reasons? The...
  18. Magnoliobud

    Greenhouse! Day 29. purple kush, afgan kush. looking beautiful

    on the FF web site they have feeding scheduals already laid out for ya.
  19. Magnoliobud

    super lemon haze HELP

    possibly not the lights were to close... but either way u have a heat issue at the top of your canopy.. U either need better cooling up there or move the lights up.. moving it more will make them stretch but thats better than frying them
  20. Magnoliobud

    super lemon haze HELP

    The leaves would not appear or be burnt from the lack of extreme heat to them.. if it was some kind of nutrient burn/ ph you would see effects comming from the bottom.. your problem is above the plant bud Edit: Imo i wouldnt remove the leaves for the simple fact that they can absorb any shock...